Quick Shots
We’ve been busy! Here are a few quick shots of some of the things we’ve done the last couple days.
Here’s a photo of that circumhorizontal arc I mentioned yesterday. This photo does not do the brilliant colors justice. It was spectacular! All the various arcs we saw were magnificent. This one, in particular, we really liked as it looked a bit like a bird to us.
There’s snow in them thar hills!
Dude was schoolin’ me on labyrinth protocol! He’s only been to one other (but he remembered the “rules”). He took it upon himself to walk the path.
Where we normally see mountains, all we could see was clouds. Clouds clouds clouds! It was a little surreal. As we got closer, it was apparent that the clouds weren’t just there for their good looks; lots of wind and cold air awaited us. And snow. LD liked that. He’s never been snowed upon. Until yesterday.
The horses were down low because of the cold and snow. For some reason, they were really liking the road and there were a couple times when horses wouldn’t move and we just had to sit and wait. We weren’t the only ones. Other drivers were just as stuck. My favorite horses of the day were “the twins”. Here’s one of them.
The twins. They were so funny! Crowded around the front of the car with two other horses. Guess they were trying to keep warm.
Finally, last night we went to see Human Nature. LD loved the show (said it was better than Blue Man Group) and was actually bold enough to stop Phil and ask for a photo.