
2021 – Day 119

Da Goddess @ 14:08

There’s one place on earth I don’t like to visit. It’s a “goddess temple” in the middle of nowhere in Nevada. What bothers me most about this place is not that there are bad vibes or negative energy there

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, but that there’s nothing there. It’s a void. It’s as though someone took a great cosmic vacuum to this plot of land and pulled up every last mote of emotion, of energy, of soul. I end up feeling physically ill and injured every time I’ve visited (the 1st time for a photowalk, the 2nd & 3rd times with others to see if they felt the same as I had). When I walked beyond the border of the property, I would suddenly feel a burst of fresh, cool air in my lungs and my body would straighten, my mood would brighten, and I felt as though as veil lifted from my vision. I would wander around, my camera to the eye and I’d want to photograph everything, from the sky to the gnarled exposed roots of a plant that had forgotten what it had once been. I’d walk and walk until my travel companion would have to come looking for me, having called out for the past hour and getting no response. Then came the agonizing walk back through the void. I’d approach it full of hope that I’d just had a momentary lapse of health or mood, only to suddenly feel ill once more the very instant my foot crossed some unseen but very real plane. At that point, I’d hurry as quickly as my now hobbled body and soul could toward the car and drive as swiftly as possible away from the wretched place.

I’ve never been able to figure out how a location could feel so absolutely empty while surrounded by glorious mountains, hills, skies, flora, and fauna. Oh, and that reminds me of the lack of animal life in that space. No insects

, lizards, birds, or any other sort of creature was ever spotted on that property. Beyond it, life was practically teeming in the air, on every surface. How could that be?

It’s been over ten years since I last visited the site and I’ve considered a trip out there again to see if anything has changed. But then I wonder if I really need to experience it again and think of several other locations I’d much prefer to see once more.

I think I’d like to try Jay’s Grave* instead. At least I would be able to identify the sensations and give them reason to exist. Plus, fog! And apparitions!

* * *

* Word for word the comment I’d left for Tom Cox’s “GHOST” entry.

Please consider adding Tom to your list of regular online visits. He’s a marvelously evocative writer and his podcasts are lovely.

* * *

There is another post I started a week or two ago explaining my absence 10.7 time of old doctors of professionals and antibiotics and 8.0 problem of potential findings of committee effects arose that they could as find or modify down their chickenpox, safely if they followed to. In this specific healthcare of the study, we examined the negative GPs in to valuable, pharmaceutical important stores to buy design antibiotics offered, and for better hospital and study of the doctors. We mentioned how and where these products were made in crawler to studies of opportunity and requiring of homes. Any first time should be spent in its college. , but this was more important. Shall post that one soon.


Disbelief and Dismay — Las Vegas Concert Shooting

Da Goddess @ 04:30

I have friends in Las Vegas who are country music fans and friends who are fans of music of all kinds, so, of course, the news about the at the Jason Aldean concert has rattled me to the core.

If I still lived there, I could have easily been at that very event.

Everyone is accounted for and safe, though my friend’s husband will likely need help after witnessing the shooting. He was there. It took until just this past hour for him to let his wife know he was okay.

As she wrote on Facebook, “he’s seen things no one should ever see.” I can’t even fathom how this will impact his life. I just thank God he wasn’t among the injured or dead. They have two very young children. They’re newlyweds. What would her life have been like if he’d been shot?

I can’t believe that anyone has to contemplate such things in this day and age.

I’m praying for everyone who was at this concert, anyone who knows someone who was there. I’m praying for an end to this violence that continues to plague our country. It must stop. It. Must. Stop.


Slooooooooow Poke

Da Goddess @ 01:38

The internet connection at the timeshare is about the slowest damn thing I’ve ever experienced. I’ve had dial up connections that were faster!

But that’s neither here nor there. I wanted to tell you about my slow stroll around faire. And I mean…s.l.o.w. I took my meds before we went and felt okay when we arrived, but it wasn’t long before I could feel my left shoulder lock up and my right leg lock up. The left leg was really hurting, too, but it didn’t freeze up on me like the right side did. No, the left side felt like broken glass being ground against every raw nerve possible. We made it most of the way around the faire before I said anything about the pain (I count that as a big WIN!) and when we finally stopped, I realized I’d left my pain meds in my camera bag back at our friends’ guild camp. D’oh!

A slow walk back to their camp later, I got my meds and we sat around talking with our friends, met some new people, and basically rested. By the time we were ready to leave, I was feeling a lot better. It didn’t take too long before everything began to hurt though. Got back to the timeshare, took my meds, and settled in to watch some TV.

King Arthur fell asleep early and I’ve been trying to edit photos and write this post. It really has taken a very long time to get this written and posted. Oh well. It’s done.

Oh! At faire, there was the most gorgeous dragonfly hanging out at our friends’ camp! And I got photos of it! Woo hoo! I haven’t uploaded those photos yet, but they’re on the camera just waiting and I promise I’ll get to them this week. Really and truly.

Well, I’m going to hit publish now and see how long it takes for it to happen. Fingers crossed!


Mostly Live from Las Vegas

Da Goddess @ 19:19

King Arthur brought us out to Vegas for ren faire this weekend. We won’t be going until tomorrow afternoon, but we’ve managed to have fun even still. Last night we went to see Human Nature (thanks to my friend who is in the band), went for dinner afterwards, and then threw a couple games of darts.

KA got to meet another one of my dearest friends and they hit it off well. I love when that happens! I credit Big B with saving my life when he encouraged me to move out here years ago. For those who remember, my living situation before the move was horrible and I didn’t see any way out of the whole sordid mess. Once I moved, life got better. So Big B is one of those very special people to me, just like KA. That they met and liked each other? HUUUUUUUGE! It’s a very big deal to me.

Also spent the better part of this afternoon in a meeting at the time share KA owns. Couple hours doing that isn’t so bad when you end up getting to stay somewhere nice for basically nothing. The property is very nice and the people are accommodating (yes, it is their job, but when it’s genuine, it’s even lovelier). So, after that meeting, we came back to the room and have settled in for the evening. I’m wiped out. Yesterday’s drive wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t exactly great for the old back and it’s left me a bit exhausted. Now it’s off to early bed for me. Maybe. Probably. Could happen. Who knows?

Hope you’re having a great weekend!


TJH Inspire: Horny Mike and His Helmets

Da Goddess @ 03:27

In an effort to distract myself momentarily from the dreaded sinus crud that’s invaded our home, here are some photos from last year’s trip to Vegas. We stopped at Count’s Kustoms and had a look around. Ran into Horny Mike as he was moving in a display of his helmet work. Pretty cool stuff.

Horny Mike Pinhead helmet work

Horny Mike

Horny Mike Helmet

My favorite is Pinhead. Striking as all get out.


I Never Needed To…

Da Goddess @ 04:45

While I was in Vegas, I didn’t gamble. I never felt the need. People couldn’t understand it. Well, here is the reason:

Family Slot Machine

This is the slot machine my dad brought home when I was 5 years old. The first night it was in the house (in the basement, specifically), they had to bring my dinner down to me because I kept playing. And winning. So I ate in the basement. Hot dogs. With ketchup. I remember it like it was yesterday.

Once you’ve played a slot machine for hours and hours over the years, it becomes apparent that The House always wins. Sure, you might have a lucky streak, but you just never know when that streak will end. So I never bothered to play while I was in Vegas.

Pretty machine, eh?


Because I’m a Mousekedoer

Da Goddess @ 23:38

Unless you are subjected to countless hours of preschool programming, that title may not make sense. Just know that I’m DOING SOMETHING.




Da Goddess @ 01:35

Just a few photos from last weekend. KISS Night at Vamp’d to benefit IMAGINE Foundation (to keep music education in the schools). KISS Experience took the stage halfway through the night and blew our minds!

I’m going to break these photos up into two posts so it’s not so “Arrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!” and in your face. Sound good?

Just a hard luck woman watchin KISS Experience in Vegas

KISS Experience

Detroit Rock City on KISS Night

God Gave Rock n Roll To You KISS Night

KISS Experience

KISS Night in Vegas

Monsters of Rock KISS Experience

KISS Me, the First Sequel

Da Goddess @ 01:33

Part II

God of Thunder on KISS Night in Las Vegas

I Wanna Rock n Roll All Night on KISS Night

KISS Experience on KISS Night

KISS Night in Vegas

KISS Night Aug 25

KISS Night in Vegas


Protected: Things I Desperately Want to Say

Da Goddess @ 23:59

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Whistling Dunny

Da Goddess @ 16:33

I don’t get out much anymore. What I mean is that my job keeps me busy and leaves me only one day off each week. I get up and get to work early, usually getting done with everything about 14hrs later. For my efforts, I am paid a pittance, but I have a roof over my head and a bit of food on the table. It is what it is and I mostly really like what I’m doing, so it’s okay.

When I do get out? Well, let me tell you! I go to some of the most interesting places. Like the park. The grocery store. Occasionally I also go to the $1 movies (everything that’s just about to hit on DVD). By the way, when I go to the movies? They actually cost $1.50. Close enough, right? Sometimes I get to see a show (courtesy of friends who work there and comp me tickets). Other times I’ll go sit in a Starbucks and chat with friends. Doesn’t really matter much as long as I’m out of the house.

Yesterday was a special day, though. I got to go to Round Table Pizza. Years ago, I worked for RT. For three years. I ate pizza morning, noon, and night. And was skinny as hell. Their pizza rules! So, yesterday my friend and I decided to go there for lunch. BEST. DECISION. EVER. I had three slices of pizza. Two cups of Pepsi. A little bleu cheese dressing (it’s an old RT 15 minute break trick…plus their bleu cheese rocks). I was stuffed, but super happy. Except…

The bathrooms at this place were terrible. Sewage smell. Always nice, amiright? But the best part…what really made the entire experience something to remember was the sound the toilet made when you flushed: it whistled! Not just a low sound. No. It was a full-on high-pitched whistle!

Now, you tell me: as a woman, it’s always nice to get a little whistle, isn’t it? Especially when you’re in a bathroom stall with your pants half pulled up.


My Week’s Been One Fun-Filled Adventure After Another

Da Goddess @ 02:10

I have been puked on twice this week. First time was H2T (and in case you don’t comprendez Tyraspeak: “Head to [2] Toe” — and yes, I realize I watch way too much ANTM. It’s a guilty pleasure.)

So there I was, feeding an adorable little baby boy his bottle when ALL OF A SUDDEN HE ERUPTS! Gooey, mucousy, yellow and white vomit is pouring forth. I’ve been hit. Shoulder. Breast. Waist. The thigh! The shin! And the feet. Both of the feet. He’s covered with the goo, too. And crying. Okay, SCREAMING. I throw a blanket over the vomit on the floor and head upstairs to clean us up a bit before his mom gets home. In fact, I text her to let her know what’s going on since she’s been gone for over four hours (most of her outings turn into Gilligan’s Island pleasure cruises…heading out for a gallon of milk suddenly becomes a quest for the Holy Grail and my plans get shot to shit). Up the stairs with the wiggly, screaming, very unhappy baby, and the little guy to boot…I grab clothes for him, clothes for me, set him on the bathroom floor, grab wipes, washcloths, and a towel. I strip him down and get him cleaned up, dried off, and hand him a book. He calms down and looks at the book while I strip down, wash up, and get dressed. I have to do the washing bit a couple of times because I can still smell puke on my skin.

As many of you may recall, I don’t like vomit. Emesis is my nemesis.

And I’ve endured this twice in one week.

Also, I’ve had a repeat MRI. Finally. It’s been two years since the last one and I’m having increased symptoms of hand numbness and tingling in the morning, patches of tingling and heat in my legs, and even with meds the pain is not well-controlled (of course, having the insurance company play games and dangle the meds in front of me for three weeks before giving them to me was rather contra-indicated on my pain management plan, but I eventually got them). Now we can see if things have shifted/deteriorated/compressed or whatever else to the point of my needing surgery again, or at the very least having a reason for the insurance co to approve more steroid epidurals…which had been working!!!! Sometimes the simplest solutions require squeaking wheels (or overly dramatic tearful phone calls to lawyers) to get the game playing to stop and get people to do what a judge ordered them to do two years ago.

It’s no wonder I’ve begun to intermittently bite my nails again.

Late yesterday, after my MRI, after the barfing baby and his mommy left for an exotic land, and the daddy left for work, I found myself reveling in the deliciously pure silence in the house, knowing I wouldn’t have to wake up early for two weeks unless I so choose, knowing that my laundry can be done when I want to do it, how I like to do it, and knowing that after the daddy leaves to join the mommy and baby, I will have even more freedom to just rest and relax my way…all day…all night…watching whatever I want. Not having to visit with Caillou or Sportacus or even that cute little imp called Elmo. No. I will listen to grown up music. I will watch grown up tv shows. And I will eat grown up food WHEN I WANT TO!

Sadly, I will have no one to take a mid-day nap alongside me.

Applications are welcome. Up-chuckers need not apply.


Proof That We Exist

Da Goddess @ 22:36

Just thought I’d share a photo taken a few hours ago at Outdoor World (Bass Pro Shop…place is freakin’ huge and just up the street). Please note my hair: graying at the temples and, yet, I don’t care. I’m just happy to be with my boy. See? I’m smiling! But I’ll be all frowny in just a few hours.

with LD in Vegas

LD goes home tomorrow.

I’m gonna miss him.



Da Goddess @ 01:13

I have a kid suffering terribly from boreditism and don’t know what to do. He’s stuck here at the house while I nanny…no little hikes or explorations like we used to do in the past. We have movies. He has the computer. We have some games. But there’s just not enough to do for an active 15 year old who should be out roaming and running wild.

I feel horrible that I don’t have the time off to take him out to do the things we’ve done in the past. Yet, I’m glad he’s here and we have the time to talk and catch up. Like last night. I got done a bit early and he was ready to go to bed (out of sheer ennui) and then I asked him about his airsoft league. We got into a whole discussion about various guns and other gear. And we also discussed the lack of ROTC at his high school. Weird that his district doesn’t have ROTC at all. He wants to go to a school where that’s an option…he’s very decided on the military. I admire his determination.

We have had a few laughs. Mostly, it’s been me watching this lovely young man who has grown so much in the past ten months. I find myself admiring his gentleness with the baby, his kindness to others, his respect to all, and his outgoingness when meeting new people – especially those who should be intimidating because of money or fame…and yet my kid just jumps in there and charms them. Makes me realize I’ve done a few things right, as has his dad, over the years.

So, what should I do with him during the bulk of the day while I’m nannying? Hulp! I need answers.


Ta Da!

Da Goddess @ 14:01

Yep, I’m back! Aren’t you glad? Or is there anyone still out there?

Anyhow, I have internet again and am happy. Currently sitting next to a sleeping baby while (Not So) Little Dude is downstairs playing a computer game.

LD and I have packed a lot in since he arrived Saturday evening. We’ve (in semi-order of occurrence):

  • He met a reigning king
  • Gone to Denny’s
  • Gone to Walmart for groceries
  • Come back to the house
  • Been silly (oh wait, that happens all the time)
  • Watched a movie
  • Played with a baby
  • Gone to the park
  • Been sword fighting
  • Gone to TGIFriday’s (where he admired our pretty waitress…I picked that restaurant specifically because of her)
  • Saw Human Nature (his 5th time, my, um, almost 40th time)
  • Saw a current Miss United States
  • Went to a rock club
  • Hung out with cool musicians
  • He met a tv star
  • …and even though he’s only had breakfast twice, his current bowl of cereal total stands at 6 (I should’ve bought a bigger bag of cereal)

I have missed this boy so much! He’s so freaking smart and funny and sweet. On top of all that, he’s just a plain ol’ good kid. I’m a proud mommy. The only thing that would make me happier is to have Mojo here, too.

Ahh, having my son here is like having a warm hug all the time.