Two-fer Tuesday: LD’s Choice Edition
My son is visiting this week, so I told him to pick a couple videos. Here are his choices.
First up, Golden Earring – cuz you can never get enough dramatic spy music videos and cheesy 80s dancing. All at the same time.
And Billy Idol. Because nothing says cheesy 80s dancing better than cheesy dancing zombies!
Of course, it wouldn’t be an adequate Two-fer Tuesday without a bonus or two. How about some cheesy 80s dancing with older Brits from the Kinks?
Perhaps a little cheesy 80s stop animation dancing from Men At Work is in order, too. *Now with extra random old lady appearance!*
Ah, I do believe I’ve taught him well. He’s even growing a cheesy teen mustache just so he can fit in around here. I’m truly very proud. Honest. Now if only I could get him to stop growing so tall!
(File this one under, “Whoops! Mommy can’t read a calendar”…had it scheduled for tomorrow. Now…we are off to explore.)
Great choices – particularly the first. I believe I hosted that one once at my place as a Musical Interlude, showcasing two-hit wonders. :thumbs:
Hope you’re enjoying the visit with the boy. :hug:
Comment by diamond dave — 2010/12/28 @ 20:53
Great choices! I :thumbs:
Comment by Retired Navy CPO — 2010/12/29 @ 08:37