Da Goddess @ 22:42
So, the 16th marked my 13th year of blogging and it was followed by my 49th birthday. I survived both with my usual “ehness”.
Mixed in with that was a party for my Mojo who left Monday for the wilds of Fairbanks, Alaska. Yep, my little girl is off to join her husband at his current post. It’s both wonderful and sad; bittersweet. Which is also how I feel about everything else.
While blogging has mostly been a joy, there have some very sad times. The loss of friends like Rob, Mikey, and Scott has left a major void in the blogosphere. Thankfully, there are still many amazing friends out there and I’d hate to start naming them and miss anyone. Let’s just say y’all know who you are and I am so very grateful you’re a part of my life.
As for being 49, there are times I consider it a freakin’ miracle I’ve made it this far. When I was younger, I certainly did my best to push the limits and short my chances of having a long life. All that changed when Mojo came along. Kids’ll do that. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Now, those of you who’ve stuck around this long, THANK YOU! And those who’ve decided I’m not their cup of tea, well, I’m pretty sure we’re both better off because of it.
Here’s to making it to Years 14 & 50! Hope you’ll be there when the time comes.
Da Goddess @ 20:31
Here’s to all who take care of those around them!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Da Goddess @ 23:51
“Picture this: Sicily, 1934…” oh how I miss Sophia Petrillo!
Anyhow, imagine a nice, normal day at ren faire. Enjoying the weather and the people, the music and the madness. Then pictue Peasant Bowling. Yep! We had Peasants lined up as the pins. It was the goofiest thing I have ever seen and…done. it was a lot of fun. I’m hoping I’ll get a chance to see it again so I can bring my camera. I only wish I had video capability on the cam so you could all enjoy the thrill of it all.
Survived the day and did my best to keep the back in line. Exhausted now and I am heading to bed. Perhaps sleep will find me. Perhaps I will dream about the new royal baby, Princess Petunia Periwinkle Perth Amboy. She’s absolute perfection.
Da Goddess @ 21:15
Well it’s a bit less bitch and a lot more hot-melty face in my case. Either way, I sit here in this adequately appointed motel room and wait for the night’s viewing to begin as I have beat all my computer/tablet games enough to warrant a change of pace.
King Arthur’s sister gave him the tablet and I am the only one who really uses it for anything. It’s been a very fun toy to have on hand.
We came down to San Diego early to break bread with my lovely offspring and my mumsy. It was wonderful to be together. We’re calling it early Mother’s Day and happy to have the time available to us.
Now, though, we’re tired and it seems only fair to call it like it is and that is in a resting mood with a dash of semi-frowny face caused by the heat.
Faire may be a hot one this weekend. I’m there regardless, so I have the airconditioner cranked up whilst I recover.
King Arthur isn’t feeling well and is ready for early bed, too. By tomorrow, I hope we’re back to being “healthy-ish” enough for the days that lie ahead.
May you not melt or freeze or otherwise change much due to weather conditions this weekend!
P.S. If The royals give us our new royal baby, please text me! I’m totally counting the minutes until the wee bairn arrives.