
TJH: Inspire – OINK!

Da Goddess @ 01:41

src=”http://dagoddess.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/IMG_20211125_190525_012-500×500.jpg” alt=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-large wp-image-7382″ />

This is one of the dog’s toys. It has the most hysterically weird oink I’ve ever heard. It sounds a bit like a cross between an old boar’s grunts and that of an aged, emphysemic cow. It’s truly delightful to hear when Cookie starts romping about with it.

It would seem Piggy somehow offended Cookie and the punishment was a backyard burial. I guess I interrupted the plot because this is as far as the dog got with her plan for revenge. Piggy survives to annoy and offend another day.

There are other toys facing execution. I’ll have to remember to get photographic evidence of their existence before they disappear without warning.

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On the 2nd Day of Christmas

Da Goddess @ 16:12

On the second day of Christmas, I give to thee:

A West Texas is the Best Texas sunset.

src=”http://dagoddess.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/1207211752-500×375.jpg” alt=”Lubbock sunset” width=”500″ height=”375″ class=”size-large wp-image-7320″ />

No tweaking to the color whatsoever. That’s just what God served up and what my phone actually FINALLY got right for a change.

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2021 – Day 17 Bad News + TJH: Inspire

Da Goddess @ 00:01

My sis has the covid. I wish I could have it for her. I’m the one who has fuck-all to do. She’s the who holds it all together. She handles everything with Mom. She’s the one who gets shit done. And now she’s sidelined by this fucking virus.

My fingers are crossed in hopes that she recovers quickly. Honestly, she’s the last person in the world I’d have expected to get it because she’s so vigilant about handwashing and sanitizing. However

, she’s also the one who is out and about, trying to keep the water from sinking the ship.

If you have a spare moment, please say a prayer for her. Thanks.


Single line contour drawing of my big sister

This was my attempt to draw a quick sketch of my big sister — though I’m not sure why I gave her short hair. Her hair is currently long and gorgeous these days. No color or highlights

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, just natural. It’s my favorite hairstyle she’s ever sported. I don’t know why I’m going on about the hair; it just feels like it’s important to acknowledge the beauty of her locks for some reason, even though I bollocksed it up in the sketch.

Carry on.


2021 – Day 16 TJH: Inspire

Da Goddess @ 01:58

Each night as I head to bed, I turn off the lights in the living room and key my phone to bring up a blank note page so the light from it gets me to the bedroom without me tripping over anything (like the cat). If you don’t move your finger across the screen, it goes out fairly quickly

, so I’ve taken to scribbling away with my thumb. Well, that got me thinking about the single line contour drawings I used to do in my art classes as a warm-up exercise. Now, I challenge myself to complete at least one quick little character every few days.

Below is one that wasn’t meant to resemble anyone known to me. I rather like this guy. He has no name yet. Feel free to suggest one or ten.

I’ll post more in the future, I think. I’m having a lot of fun with this and it’s sort of opened my mind to a more creative headspace.

Single line contour drawing

Basic technique used: a single line (I’ve been using my left thumb), while looking at the drawing or without. If using a reference subject (person, photo, fruit, etc.), try drawing looking at the subject only. Then try another while glancing back and forth from subject to your drawing. After you do this several times

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, you’ll discover your blind drawings improve a great deal as you become more confident in your ability to control your hand/drawing tool.

I’ve been doing this on my phone and in a sketch pad. I’m amassing quite a collection of doodles. It’s fun and it’s a really wonderful way to engage your brain in something other than television. It’s a bit of art therapy.

A bit of advice: Don’t judge your drawings. They’re not meant to be the Mona Lisa or Venus on the Half-Shell. They’re just a way to let your brain have a bit of a rest.

Another tip: if you’re using a reference subject, try to get your paper or phone or whatever you’re using as close to the same level and angle of the subject. By not moving your head up and down so much, your brain and hand better translate what you see to what you capture in your drawing. There’s less distortion in the translation, if you will.

Reminder: don’t judge your efforts! Just let go and have a little fun!


2021 – Day 15A TJH: Inspire

Da Goddess @ 01:48

There may or may not be a 15B. Only a good night’s sleep will tell. Until then, here’s the awful sky I have to look at night after night.

src=”http://dagoddess.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/0112211709a2-500×375.jpg” alt=”Just another sunset” width=”500″ height=”375″ class=”size-large wp-image-7131″ /> Just another sunset


TJH: Inspire – Sunrise

Da Goddess @ 07:12

Believe it or not, these are from two consecutive mornings. I was surprised by how very similar the clouds were. What are the odds? I went back and forth a number of times to verify these were taken on different days. Yep. Go figure.

src=”http://dagoddess.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/1122200613a_HDR2-500×375.jpg” alt=”Sunday sunrise” width=”500″ height=”375″ class=”size-large wp-image-7046″ /> Sunday sunrise
Saturday sunrise

Saturday sunrise


TJH: Inspire – I Can Haz Anything I Wants With This

Da Goddess @ 18:24
src=”http://dagoddess.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/0819201333b2-500×750.jpg” alt=”Fork Kitty” width=”500″ height=”750″ class=”size-large wp-image-6981″ /> Fork Kitty


, playing with your flatware is almost as fun as playing with your food. Actually, combining the two is just super awesome!

Reminds me of those mod cats from the 50s and 60s.


TJH: Inspire – SoCal Poolside Sunset

Da Goddess @ 19:45

Don’t hate me because it’s beautiful here.

After a very hot and very busy day , I managed to crawl downstairs to stick my feet in the pool and listen to the landmate’s baby goats. While I was luxuriating in the cool water, this happened:


TJH: Inspire — Winging It

Da Goddess @ 00:46

I find a lot of interesting things on my walks.

I’ve found:

1. A snakeskin, but no snake, which is weird out here in the country. That’s the only evidence I’ve seen of there being any snakes around at all in the year and a half I’ve lived here. I’ve seen more snakes in suburbia than I have here. I think that’s odd.

2. Coyotes. There’ve been singular sightings and sightings of several hanging out in one general area. But

, the most frequent sightings are of the three coyotes who stick together. I love this group! I’m assuming they’re a mama, papa, and their pup. I could be completely wrong, but the size of each makes me believe I’m right.

3. Birds. I see so many, especially crows, but also lots of hawks, bluebirds, doves, woodpeckers, orioles, hummingbirds, mockingbirds, ONE raven, and others that I can only guess at the species. I’m trying to make notes so I can look up the descriptions and possibly identify them, but sometimes I forget. Okay, mostly I forget. I’m trying.

4. The occasional surprise. Gloves, always a single glove. Dead bunnies. Dice. CO2 cartridges from those homemade soda machines. There’s always always always a ton of them at the side of the road. And this little item below:


TJH: INSPIRE — Always on My Mind

Da Goddess @ 16:46

src=”http://dagoddess.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/0229200620-500×375.jpg” alt=”” width=”500″ height=”375″ class=”aligncenter size-large wp-image-6894″ />

Ever have one of those days when someone is always on your mind? You know, the kind of day when you can’t shake the feeling you need to talk with someone, but can’t and it makes it even more difficult to get that someone out of your head?

Yeah , it’s been one of those days.


TJH: INSPIRE — Whiskers Wednesday – May Day Edition

Da Goddess @ 02:52

src=”http://dagoddess.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/0424190940a-500×375.jpg” alt=”Whiskers Wednesday” width=”500″ height=”375″ class=”alignnone size-large wp-image-6645″ />

There’s no such thing as too much Fletch and I realized I’d not posted anything of him since we moved.

He’s my lovely boy. Such a trooper. So sweet. Sometimes an absolute turd. But he’s MY turd. Respect the turd.

“The turd turd turd, the turd is the word…”

Anyhow, enough of that. Please admire the whiskers.


TJH: Inspire — People Matching Art

Da Goddess @ 06:01

My favorite of the photos posted to target=”_blank”>this site would be Starry Night.

Go, get lost in the beauty.


TJH: Inspire — I Love Tim Minchin

Da Goddess @ 18:19

Minchin on his hit musical, Matilda:

They didn’t have to think about creating a show for children because the whole point of Matilda (and all of Roald Dahl’s work) is that the child in all of us is still alive, he says.

“That’s kind of what Matilda is about, not letting adulthood turn you into a cynical despot.”

Everything I’ve seen about the show makes me wish I could see it in person. I’d settle for a televised performance, but to see it in person would definitely be much more impactful.


TJH: Inspire — What Do You Think It Is?

Da Goddess @ 17:46

Can you guess what this is?

src=”http://dagoddess.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/IMG_20170330_140628-500×397.jpg” alt=”What Do You Think It Is?” width=”500″ height=”397″ class=”alignnone size-large wp-image-6210″ />


TJH: Inspires — It Speaks to Me

Da Goddess @ 22:23

I have loved the series Ride with Norman Reedus. Loved. It.

I don’t really watch The Walking Dead, but LD does. I’m familiar enough with Reedus through that as well as some of his movie roles. I think I just missed the boat on TWD and kind of feel like I’ll catch up on it eventually. It’s not a big watching priority right now. I do, however, like watching (and make a habit of watching) shows about people exploring the world around them. So, Ride fit into my viewing queue beautifully.

The season finale was tonight and featured Peter Fonda. I was trying to hold back the tears by the end of the episode. Perfection.

I’m kinda crushing on Norman after this. Much in the same way as I crushed on Ewan McGregor after watching his Long Way series.

But back to Reedus. In addition to his exploration of his surroundings, he’s constantly photographing what he sees. (I don’t know anyone like that. Do you?) And he has a book* of his photography, which I want so badly! It goes on my wish list immediately.

I hope you can find the series somewhere, watch, and fall in love like I have. I think it’s highly likely you will.

* http://www.bookmasters.com/marktplc/04377.htm I can’t code links on my phone, so just follow the link.