Two-fer Tuesday: Something Beautiful for You (Quarantine Playlist)
This is for you. Yes, you. You deserve this.
And you deserve this. Yes , I’m still talking to you! Quit acting so surprised.
Hang in there, my friends. We can do this.
Friends are like bras; a good one never lets you down
This is for you. Yes, you. You deserve this.
And you deserve this. Yes , I’m still talking to you! Quit acting so surprised.
Hang in there, my friends. We can do this.
I’ve found myself seeking out shows that aren’t available via regular TV channels in the U.S.
First up: Portrait Artist of the Year. This is a fantastic British production. You can find the entire current season on the YouTubes. rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>Here’s a link to the first episode. It’s really a wonderful program. All but the final episode for this show are available through the account I’ve linked to.
Also on the tubes of you
, The Great Pottery Throw Down. Listen, you don’t need to be a potter to enjoy this show. The artistic value of the craft is exceedingly entertaining and you’ll come away with a greater appreciation for how cups, plates, teapots, vases, etc., are made. There are three seasons available and I’ll get you started with season one, episode one. I think you’ll find yourself yelling at the contestants when they take crazy chances with their designs, when they forget an important step, and/or when they don’t manage their time well. You’ll also yell at the judges when they send home someone who, while they missed the mark on this one challenge, has shown such amazing work throughout the season. It’s truly a delightful show. And don’t worry about the crying judge. It happens frequently enough that you’ll simply accept it by the time you get through a few episodes.
I can only find the most recent season of Master of Photography on YouTube. I watched an early season a couple years ago on Ovation or some other channel I no longer have access to. Anyhow, this is a very good program in that it offers great lessons on composition and the value of critiques from experts. There are some interesting images and equally interesting photographers. It’s given me a lot of inspiration and motivation for future projects, but mostly I just enjoy picking out the contestants’ missed shots/opportunities. I do a fair amount of commentary throughout each episode.
On Netflix, check out Blown Away. It’s all about glassblowing and it’s fascinating! There’s one season. Episodes are only about a half hour, so you can get through them quickly. I would have liked longer episodes, but you get what you get and you don’t get upset. Or you do. But it’s totally worth your time.
I’ll post more shows next week. These should keep you busy until then.
Bonus: Upright. An Australian show that’s funny, beautiful, touching, and so many other super superlatives. It’s brilliant! IMTV has it available to those of us who live in the States. You’ll have to create an account to watch (when you get to the options of NA or EUR, choose NA (North America, natch). If you can’t watch every episode free of charge, let me know. I’ll see if I can find you another option.
Now, go get busy watching TV and forget about our current situation. We won’t always have a pandemic to justify our viewing habits, so make the most of the NOW of it.
First things first: how are you? Are you and your family healthy and safe? Have you been able to fend off the ennui? Are you reading? Listening to music and/or podcasts? Are you watching TV and/or movies?
How are you passing the time?
Secondly, have you checked in with family and neighbors? Are you a helper?
Thirdly, have you been able to avoid or minimize exposure to the 24/7 news coverage?
Fourthly, what’s up with you these days? Anything new?
Fifthly, are you washing hands? Are you using soap and water and washing for a minimum of 20 seconds? I’d prefer 30 seconds, but blah blah blah. Are you really, truly, honestly washing your goddamn hands? Please let this be your reality. Hand sanitizer pales in comparison to handwashing with soap and water.
Sixthly, my trip to see my daughter and her hubby is on hold. As it should be.
Other than that, life is pretty much the same. I have books, TV, movies, puzzles, games, and the cat. I also have a neighbor who just got a donkey (another got a horse not long before that) and I’m determined to find out where the donkey lives. I’m mostly of the mind that the donkey was brought in as protection against the very busy coyotes we have in our area. They’re quite active. I’ve seen them out on my morning walks — one street over
There you go. My pandemic post. I hope you’re all safe.
Tim Minchin is a fucking genius. Don’t let anyone (especially him) tell you otherwise.
rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>His new song and video are exceptional. After I heard a brief clip a few days ago (or a week or? I dunno. The days all blend together anymore)
, I had the tune stuck in my head. And now I have the entire song running on repeat in my brain. I love it! I hope you enjoy.
Any recommendations on luggage? Nothing expensive, just durable and easy to maneuver for a gimpy old broad. It has to have good wheels and it would be a major bonus if it could fit in an overhead compartment.
Yes, for the first time in a decade, I’m getting on a plane. I’m going away. Not for long
, but for long enough. And I’m going to see my daughter and son-in-law. And their cats. In a beautiful locale. Yay!
So, yeah. I need a decent, inexpensive but easily wheeled about suitcase. I mean, just because you have baggage doesn’t mean it can’t be functional and maybe even pleasant.
I’ve spent the majority of the day in bed. I’d been up for two days and finally collapsed from the exhaustion around 03:00. Despite waking multiple times, I was quite happy to remain floating in the land of soft
, warm cottony slumber. It helped to have Monsieur Chat at my side and all the rain in all the world raining down on SoCal.
Speaking of rain, there’s a lot of it coming down. Lots. And lots more. And then some more. It’s kind of glorious.
I’ve been fully awake and moving freely about the cabin for an hour now and I’m still embracing the floaty feeling. Pain is not allowed more than a background murmur. I’m going to tackle the dishes and then curl up with the cat again, watch some tv, enjoy my little cocoon of comfort.
Ever have one of those days when someone is always on your mind? You know, the kind of day when you can’t shake the feeling you need to talk with someone, but can’t and it makes it even more difficult to get that someone out of your head?
Yeah , it’s been one of those days.