I’ve been slow to catch up and to get links out there, but here we go, in no particular order…
Wolf / Cooking With The Troops
Troy Steward / You Served
Toby Nunn / Soldiers’ Angels
Maggie / Bostonmaggie
Matt Burden / Blackfive
Cassandra / Villainous Company
Mrs. P / A Little Pink in a World of Camo
Gary Cagle of Team Rubicon
Jake Rademacher / Brothers at War
Tom Kratman / Author’s page on Amazon
Tom Goering / Navy CyberSpace
Tammi / Tammi’s Trail
Non-milblog related, I met Darren Rowse of DPS. I recognized him from the back of his lovely bald head and called out to him, because I do that sort of thing. Thankfully he was very nice and spoke with me as we hiked our way through Mandalay Bay.
Also saw Adam Carolla while out walking about with Tammi. I didn’t talk with him, but did snap a few photos. Why not?
And then there was Mark Burnett. He made me cry and I didn’t mind. Mrs. P did, too, and she’s allowed to any time.
Oh, can’t forget Mary Ripley, an amazing lady who is very active over on USNI and who is the daughter of John Ripley (USMC).
All the great soldiers who manned the Go Army/Milblogger lounge! Nice folks!
And to my growing legion of sexy bald men, please don’t forget the grapes or the hammock next time. No, not the little one…we shall not discuss that again…I want the full-sized, lying about sort of hammock in which I rest comfortably while you fan me and feed me grapes and otherwise attend and amuse me.
I did NOT get to meet C.C. Chapman, although I wish I had. I’ve adored C.C. since 2002, when we both were hanging with Robyn and gettin’ our boobies on for Boobiethon. I think I saw him a few times, but wasn’t 100% certain and was, of course, blonde while attending an event. Sigh. C.C., next time, okay?
I know I’m forgetting people. Shame on me. I’ve been in total brain meltdown mode for two days. Can’t afford to be as I have much work to do. Photos from BWE, photos from a couple concerts, a CD design…uh…yeah…not just submitting the photos, I’m doing the design and panicking over it! As well, I have a very cute 3 year old’s mother waiting for photos so she can make her selections for her order. Arrgh! Oh, and I have to figure out how to get 1) a sometimes cranky, bitchy/sometimes nice-ish deadbeat to repay her loan (it’s not much, just overdue since March), 2) get presents out to the kids for their birthdays, 3) get my reviews done and posted, 4) not lose the stuff in storage (despite my payments here and there, they want to go ahead and take my belongings…I have a problem with that since I am making every effort to catch up!), 5) get the portrait studio to hire me (it’s photography, it’s a job, and I want it), and 6) find the list of the other things I need to accomplish.
Busy is better’n dead, right? Right.
P.S. If I really did miss your name on this list, I profusely apologize and will write glowing things about you if you leave me a comment and don’t call me a forgetful bitch. Forgetful or bitch is fine. Just not both together.