
22 & 58

Da Goddess @ 19:20

It’s that time of year again! I’m commemorating the years I’ve been blogging while also celebrating my years on this planet.

These are not insignificant numbers. 22: how many people do you know who are still involved with something they started on a whim over twenty years ago? 58: there are people who predicted I’d never see this age. My, but I bet they’re surprised! Well, not all of them are still living. Hey, I had absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH THEIR DEPARTURES!!! Life (and death) happens. No spells or curses were utter, purchased, or distributed. Not by me.

It feels a little funny to continue blogging despite no longer having a large readership. Hell, I’d be stretching to call what I have a small readership. Micro. I have a micro readership. And that’s all thanks to Pam. Love you, girlfriend! The thing is, I stopped writing for anyone else years ago. I write for me. If I bother to write, that is. This is just one of the places I call home. (Ah, yes. The pretense of having multiple homes. It’s my fantasy, I can have as many homes as I like. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.)

So, here I am. Pretty much writing to myself and one or two others. I’m surprisingly okay with it. It’s a far cry from where I was twenty years ago, but things change. Funny how age can either drive you nuts or make you contented. Sometimes all in the same hour. That’s just life.

The truth is, I really like my life right now. I like where I am. I like where I live. I like who I live with (GmaB is truly an amazing lady who exudes goodness and love). I like who I am here. I like all the things I do. I’m taking care of someone. I’m in a home that was built with lots of love. If it weren’t for the major heat in the summer, it would be perfect. Actually, it is perfect. I don’t have to go outside in the heat except to take out the trash. There’s good air conditioning. See? I can’t even complain about the weather. Who am I anymore?

Having found this new wonderful state of mind, I feel like an idiot for not finding it sooner. It was always there for the taking. I just couldn’t see it. Now, I do.

And with that, I’ll bid you adieu for now and go have a birthday donut. Raspberry filled.

Here’s to whatever adventures come next!


  1. You’re still here. I’m still here. Many miles under our wheels, but we’re still here. That’s a good thing. And whenever your birthday was, I trust it was happy.

    take care, old friend!


    Comment by mostly cajun — 2024/05/19 @ 05:44

  2. We continue. It’s not necessarily easy, but we continue.


    Comment by Da Goddess — 2024/12/13 @ 16:10

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Came by yesterday to see if you’d posted but I was too early.
    I only blog for myself as well. It’s better that way. LOL!

    LOVE that you like where you are in life now. That’s amazing and wonderful!

    Love and hugs!!!

    Comment by pam — 2024/05/19 @ 12:03

  4. ❤️❤️❤️

    Comment by Da Goddess — 2024/12/13 @ 16:08

  5. I still check mine, waiting for the day when I’m free to run my mouth again.

    Comment by Geoffrey — 2024/05/22 @ 07:23

  6. I check in sporadically. I have had a lot going on and it’s been overwhelming.

    Run your mouth! What’s the worst that could happen? 🤪

    Comment by Da Goddess — 2024/12/13 @ 16:07

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