
And Now For Something Completely Different

Da Goddess @ 07:19

Was up at 0445 this morning. My wake-up call was…dun dun DUUUUUUUUUUUN! Another aftershock.

And you thought I’d be blogging about something different? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Suckers.

Just had another little aftershock as I began typing this. Perhaps it’s as King Arthur said: I’ve never been so close to the epicenter to notice all the aftershocks before. But, me? I think it’s just insane that we’ve had over 100 since Friday’s quake. It’s unnerving. And it’s kept me on edge just enough to make me feel as though something bigger is on its way.

As I told Pam in comments yesterday, I feel like we’re all just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I don’t like feeling this way.

However, I did actually get to sleep last night. 4 hours. That’s a pretty good stretch for me since all this started.

Everyone is up and moving now, so I’m off to vacuum the bathroom to get all the remaining pottery shards I didn’t get already. Some are in the shower itself. How they got in there, I don’t know, but they’re in there. Every time I look, there are more. I’ve gone in with wet cloths to clean up, I’ve swept. I’ve done this multiple times and still keep finding more.

Eh, who’m I kidding? Princess Bride is on. I’ll wait until after it’s over before I go do that.


Officially Tired of Earthquake Weekend™

Da Goddess @ 23:32

I’ve never been so done with anything in my entire life.

Just when you think it’s safe to go back in the water, Jaws comes racing to the surface to eat us all up.

We’re really nothing more than ragdolls being tossed about carelessly by a rambunctious child.

That child needs a timeout. A very long timeout.

There’s really been no break in turbulence longer than an hour. I’m done. I want off this crazy ride.

Earthquake Central

Da Goddess @ 11:09

We’ve had tremblers all night following our 5.1 earthquake at 21:09 last night. They’ve continued all morning.

And then we had another quake. Probably somewhere in the 3.0 range. Doesn’t sound like much but it was knocking things around.

I’ve not slept at all. This whole thing has left me a bit discombobulated. I keep thinking I’ll just pass out from exhaustion at some point, but it has yet to happen. So I’ve been playing with Fletch. We’ve thrown the ball up and down the hall, through the living room, over the couch, etc. He’s having fun. It’s wearing me out. That should be enough to knock me out, right?

King Arthur went out to get shopping done earlier and the drugstore was closed because of the mess from last night’s quake. He hit several other stores while he was out and said everything else was running smoothly, he just made sure he was far from shelves and heavy stuff while he was in stores.

And with yet another trembler while I was writing this, I’m outta here. Gonna actually attempt to lay down and sleep. Let’s see how well that goes, shall we?


Death Loomed just 3 Miles Away

Da Goddess @ 23:03

Thank God it didn’t come to thatl No deaths that we know of thus far and I’m praying there will NOT be another quake that leaves me feeling this unsettled. For a long, long time to come.

Okay, I was more than unsettled. I was scared. Even after it stopped my heart continued to race and it’s been over for several hours now. The aftershocks don’t seem to bother me all that much. I just don’t like earthquakes.

This one was scary because you could tell it was close. Those are the worst. And any that shake and roll at the same time make it seem longer and you’re much less steady. This is the kind we had.

We’ve had endless sirens all night. Helicopters flying about, circling the big water main break.

All manner of odd noises are going on late into the night, which, of course, up the ante on the tension. Continuing aftershocks don’t help either.

Oh, and during the big 5.1 (or 5.3, depending on your source) magnitude, our front door flew open and wouldn’t stay closed. The cats freaked out, which meant I panicked and believed that Celia exited through the front door when I spotted it open 5 minutes later. Nope, she hid behind some artwork stacked in front of the bookcase. It took us an hour to find her. WHEW! I can handle the stuff that fell and broke, I can handle all sorts of things. But not a lost and frightened cat. I was near tears the whole time.

We were lucky in that our damage was cheap stuff that I’m comfortable with never replacing.

Mark my words though: if Celia had escaped, she’d be hard to find and unlikely to ever be turned in if someone caught her. And I would never be able to stop crying. But she was found and now all is right with the world and I am still too shook up to try sleepingl

And for those of you of the Visuals Appreciation Society, here’s a little visual aid.

The Friday March 28th game night map that reveals why our terror was so real

You can see where that orange arrow indicates the epicenter (La Habra) and the varying shades of pink indicating Fullerton, which is where I reside. The blue arrows indicate major freeways or areas of importance (like Disneyland or Knotts Berry Farm or other freeways). To say this quake hit a little too close to home for my liking would bearly scratch the surface of how I feel. Still, as scary as earthquakes are, I prefer them to tornadoes, from which no one is truly safe. Experienced enough of those in my lifetime to know they’re near the tippy top of my Scaredy Cat list.

Anyhow, to make a long story just a wee bit longer, as the quake hit, Music Choice was playing “Shake Rattle & Roll”. God has a wicked sense of humor sometimes.

And that’s all I have to say about that.

Thinking Outside the Box

Da Goddess @ 15:54

I love the way kids look at the world.

Imagine a 14-year-old coming up with a way for the government to millions of dollars simply by changing the font they use.

That’s how it’s done, folks. Let the kids tackle some of our budget problems (and why not other problems?) and we may find a way to balance the budget.


20 Minutes: Wounded Warrior Project

Da Goddess @ 17:38

I love the Wounded Warrior Project and all it does to help our injured military personnel adapt to life and take charge of their world. Here’s a video that’s worth every second of your time.



Da Goddess @ 23:55

Fletch is feeling so much better! He’s still a little congested, but he’s back to chasing me down the hall after I come out of the shower. He’s back to playing in the shower. And finally, he’s back to chasing his feather.

I guess we can’t really call it much of a feather as it’s only an inch of feather that’s still attached to the dowel. But he loves it even more this way, I think. King Arthur and I go cat fishing with it. Fletch, for his part, usually goes crazy for it. The other day, it was just a couple minutes of trying to stop it as it went by. Now, he’s back to actively chasing it. Running after it. Trying to anticipate where it’ll be next. Leaping for it. Catching it, rolling around with it, and then carrying his catch with pride, parading around the house with his sweet little strut, head held high. Sweetly, he brought it back to KA while playing. Showing off his catch? Bringing it as tribute? Who knows? It’s just damn cute.

Celia has been mostly crawling into my lap, looking for love. I got three little love nips from her today; something she hasn’t done in ages. They’re very gentle, but pointedly firm in telling me she wants MORE LOVES. She gets ’em, too. Her congestion is still there. Kind of juicy and loose, which is good. We’re taking a wait and see attitude on this one since she’s not overly lethargic like her brubby was. She had one day that was slow and that was it. Fingers crossed that she spontaneously heals once she’s been loved up enough. Yes, part of me thinks she “got sick” just to horn in on the attention Fletch was getting. Why not? It’s what kids do!

Tomorrow turns a little into playtime for us for a change. We’re heading down to SD to get some furniture at my sister’s. It’s my mom’s dresser and vanity/bench that once belonged to her parents. It matches absolutely nothing else in this house, but it’s family and it’s important to me. KA tried to find me something that matched what he has and I had to tell him I didn’t want anything else. I want something that holds meaning. He understood.

After we get done there, we’ll stop by and see my mom. Tried to get my dad to come to lunch with us, but he says he may be busy. Oh, well. Next month.

Had more time on the phone today with attorney and claims adjustor and pharmacist and doctor’s office as we attempt ONCE AGAIN to get my meds approved. You’d think this would be old hat by now and I wouldn’t have to fight it every month. No such luck. Tomorrow is my day off and away from all the crap. I’m just going to enjoy the drive with my honey, visit my family, and come home very tired to cats who will have missed us and WANT TO BE FED! They always want to be fed.

My life is so glamorous! I wouldn’t change it for anything.


First One, Then the Other

Da Goddess @ 12:57

Now Celia’s getting sick.

It was only a matter of time what with the cats sharing water and Celia being sweet(ish) to Fletch. Yes, the Diva has been rather kind to Fletch. Giving him an occasional nuzzle and, mostly, not hissing at him.

She’s sneezed a few times. She’s lethargic while also being extra squirmy during ear cleaning.

She was fine last night. With her new habit of sleeping on top of my chair, she has a tendency to slip down and, essentially, sleep on my head. Today? She’s curled up on the cat tree in a position I’ve never seen her take before.

I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be vet day. Another unhappy cat with another thermometer up the bum. Another shot. And pretty much everyone tiptoeing around. Ugh.

As for Fletch, he’s still pretty congested, but he’s showing more signs of life, which makes me less worried. Still worried, just not hovering over him worried.

This reminds me of when the kids were little. Mojo especially. She had so many ear and upper respiratory infections, I about lost it. She could go from happy, playful kiddo to eyes and nose with green goo in two minutes. And then there was the surgery to have tubes placed in her ears. Oy! That was a harrowing day! But she always got better and she was always a trooper. With the cats, it seems to take so much longer and you can’t do for them what you do for kids.

So here we go again. I have to keep hoping and praying the furry little sweeties get better soon. This is nerve-wracking and I don’t have enough nerves to spare.


Sick Puppy

Da Goddess @ 09:02

Er, sick kitty.

Fletch is sick. He has an upper respiratory infection of some sort. He’s been sneezing all night, coughing occasionally, and he’s taken to breathing through his mouth. He curled up next to me on the couch, head on my pillow, and tried his best to sleep, but every so often (more often than any of us would like) he’d have a small gag and swallow and then practically pant to catch his breath. I know that move all too well: post-nasal drip. Add to that, his eyes are watering like crazy from all the sneezing.

So, it’s off to the vet for us in a few. I’m feeling so horrible about it all, I’m holding off on ear drops for a bit.

(And further proof he doesn’t feel well, he’s voluntarily entering the Diva Zone to sit with me. Celia is not happy.)


Cats Cats Cats!

Da Goddess @ 03:05

Celia has taken to sitting in the window or at the door, growling. She’s protecting us from the evil that lurks outside. You know: stray cats and opossums. Maybe even the odd person walking by. It’s really pretty cute. She takes her work quite seriously. However, it does come with its downside. The window next to my chair is currently open a bit and that is a beacon to her. She sits on the arm of the chair, long furry tail in my face or on the computer keyboard, balancing precariously on the window ledge. That’s where my pen and notebook, my water bottle, cell phone, earrings, hair accessories, and other things reside. I have everything in reach. But she knocks it down while she’s up there. And the tail in my face tickles. So, I keep trying to redirect her attentions elsewhere. It takes nothing short of ten lift and relocations to get her to let up. (She really is very dedicated to her job.)

I’ve also closed the other window she guards enough so that she still gets fresh air but can’t get too feisty and push the screen out. I opened two other windows on that same side of the house the same little amount so that we still benefit from the breeze (which we need as it’s been rather warm [we actually had THE hottest temp in the country on Sunday]).

Right now, Celia is perched, again precariously, on the tiny bit of space in front of the TV. Fletch has done this a few times, but never Celia. Apparently she likes General Hospital. Or maybe it’s just part of her night-time “crazies”. (I don’t know what else to call them. She only gets into things and gets goofy late at night.)

Fletch, my little darling, he is snoozing on the sofa. Resting his head on what has become his pillow. But, of course, he’s sensed that I’m blogging about him and moved closer to where I am. He does this. He always knows when I’m writing about him. My smart little furball.


About a week ago, our friends came over with their 11-month-old daughter. We didn’t know how things would go with her and the cats, but there was only one way to find out. So, we introduced her to Fletch and let her pet him. We also had her pet Celia once she came out of hiding (she pretty much walked away after and ignored us the rest of the night). But Fletch! Savannah crawled around in the kitchen and Fletch would play peekaboo with her. She would crawl after him for a bit and then get tired and stop. Then he’d come crawling after her for a bit. They’d peek around the corners at each other. They kept their eyes on each other. And they both seemed to have a really fun time of it. It was not only cute, it was quite sweet. Oh, and when Savannah saw the catfood on the floor by their bowls (we collectively held our breath), she would pick it up and put it back in the bowl, looking up at us with a big ol’ grin, as if to say, “I’m a good helper, aren’t I?”


We took the cats to the vet last week. What a fucking adventure that was! It was stressful getting them into their carriers. On them and on us. I walked out of the house looking as though I was part cat myself; covered head to toe in copious amounts of cat fur, I even coughed up a hairball.

At the vet’s, we found out that Fletch is weighing in at about 13 pounds. Lovely Celia is a mere 6 pounds. Frankly, I was surprised she weighed that much! She’s really very light. Picking her up is like cradling a bubble in your hands.

Celia freaked out and hid under the sink in the office. There was just enough room for her climb through the opening above the cabinet door. Fletch later tried the same thing but failed, 1) because he’s too damn big to get through the same opening, and 2) because he’s not exactly adept at gracefully scaling certain surfaces. To that end, he also managed to bring down the cat tree at home as he was attempting to scale it. He got up to the top by digging his claws into the rope-covered posts once before, but on his second attempt, he went slower and the entire thing just fell over on him. Why he couldn’t climb up from the couch, I don’t know. He just had to do it his way. (He goes up to the top from the couch now, though.)

Back to the vet story.

The vet fell in love with Fletch. I even heard her saying (through a closed door) “if they don’t want that little orange tabby, I’ll take him. He’s just such a sweet boy!” No way, Doc. You’re really nice and all, but he’s OUR sweet boy! We love him way too much to ever want to be without him. Surprisingly, Celia, who normally goes through stress-induced whacko scratching with people she doesn’t know, was sweet as hell whenever anyone picked her up. She was even very good during her blood draw and pet-i-cure and teeth exam, stool sample, temperature taking, etc. However, by the time she got back into the room, she was quite shaken. She sat on the floor, making herself as small as possible, and trembled. (Fletch had already been through it all and was back to his curious and somewhat uber-chill self.) I picked her up and cuddled and calmed her as much as I could. Finally, seeing Fletch stretched out on the floor — in the corner under the exam table, but still…being chill — I said, “Celia, why don’t you go lay down with your brother? You two can comfort each other.” Honest to God, she walked over to him and laid down with him! It was almost as cute as the two cats out in the adoption center who were curled up together, the one with his paws around the other’s neck. Almost that cute. Surprising as hell, because she tends to keep her distance from Fletch, except when we’re not paying attention and then they sleep together.

After all was said and done, cats went back into their carriers (much easier at that point because they were just wiped out!), vaccinated, examed stem to stern, swabbed, probed, and pet-i-cured and we began the check out process. It took ages, but we finally got out of there, arms loaded with cats, food, treats, five containers of medication, instructions, and a stack of paperwork from the visit.

Both cats have to go back to have their ears rechecked after we finish two weeks of ear drops and flushes. Their ears were infected and filthy like you wouldn’t believe! Twice a day we piss them off by swabbing the upper outer ear and then deposit three drops per ear per cat. If we don’t spell out (literally) what we’re going to do, Celia runs and hides, making it quite the chase and crazy ordeal to get her over to the meds. Fletch, well, we just walk up to him and scoop him up. Sometimes I can do it all by myself. Other times, it’s a two-person operation. Afterwards, they both look at us with murder in their eyes. Or at least, on Fletch’s part, great derision. He gets over it very quickly, though. She holds a grudge. In the morning, she will go lie under the rocking chair for a few hours, glaring at us in between naps. Otherwise, they’ve been fairly cooperative and fun to have around.

Celia’s post-vet behavior change has made her seek more loves from us and she is almost always on the chair with me (when she isn’t at the window or door protecting us from the world). Fletch has become even bolder in just about every other way. He always did like to check out the shower when I was getting in, but he now has actually allowed me to gently run water down his back and tail. Before long, I imagine him simply taking a full shower with me.

They’re weird cats, but they’re OUR weird cats. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.


A Moment of Sweetness

Da Goddess @ 03:04

King Arthur loves his little grand-daughter with all his heart. He sings to her, engages her in all sorts of teaching moments, and is always looking for something sweet to get her, like the sunglasses she’s wearing in these photos. He spoils her with love and loving gifts. It’s lovely to witness.

She’s a very good baby. Lady M and Lord R have done a great job getting her on a schedule and keeping her on one. They’ve taken her to restaurants and even a hockey game (her outfit was ADORABLE! — another gift from her papa). Unfortunately, Baby E is at that stage where she is sometimes frightened of people she doesn’t see much. Especially men. During their little hug and hold playtime, E was fine with her papa holding her and singing and playing, but later cried up a storm when put in his arms. At least we had photos to prove that she DID enjoy him earlier in the day.

King Arthur and the princess

Princess Emma with her stylish sunnies

King Arthur and Princess Emma drum on the cooler

A quiet moment for the two royals

We spent the afternoon with Lady M, Lord R, and Baby Princess E before mommy and daddy went out for the evening. We wanted to make sure the little Princess wasn’t going to cry the whole time. As I said, she did fine with her papa earlier in the day, but melted down later. With me, she was absolutely perfect. We have an arrangement, the Princess and I. I hold her and play with her and make her giggle, give her a bottle, change her diapers, and basically do everything I possibly can to make her comfortable, and, in return, she is a delight for me. Plus, it helps that I possess a little baby whispering magic. (I was born with the gift. My whole family has it, including LD and Mojo.)

Lady M and Lord R had a nice night out. KA and I had a very nice night with the baby. It was a win-win for all. Plus, I get grandma credits. Someday, yes, someday, I fully expect LD and Mojo to have their own families and I’m practicing all I can.


TJH: Inspire – Balboa Park

Da Goddess @ 02:33

After court a few weeks ago, King Arthur and I went to Balboa Park to see the pirate exhibit at the Natural History Museum. It’s there until September, so get your hiney out to San Diego and see it. It’s impressive! (They didn’t allow photography of the exhibit, so no photos of any of it.) We took a short break at one point and had snickerdoodles. KA did his best Cookie Monster impression, as depicted below.

King Arthur as Cookie Monster

Then there’s the obligatory shot of the California Tower in Balboa Park. From any angle, it’s an impressive structure. I just had to capture it.

California Tower in Balboa Park

And finally, as I was sitting on a park bench, I was faced with a serious, philosophical question:

Philosophical question in the park

My answer: I don’t know. But, I keep going. That’s what I do. I move on. I move forward. I move. I just keep swimming because that’s what Dory told us to do.


The Fat Guy is Gone

Da Goddess @ 01:08

Some of you may remember Fat Guy. Some of you may have even been the ones to introduce me to him. For those who aren’t aware of the man, go read his archives. There’s a little something for everyone there.

In my long overdue blogroll cruise, I discovered an entry on his site dated 2-5-14. It wasn’t like him to go so long without posting except when he was really ill (and I knew he was still fighting cancer, going to see specialists regularly, etc), so I checked in on the comments and saw the news I didn’t want to see: he had passed away February 7, right around midnight.

He’s no longer in pain. He’s no longer slowly wasting away. Now he gets the chance to sit at the great bar in the sky, telling stories and making people laugh, and maybe, just maybe, he’ll be the guardian angel the Rangers need this year to win the Series. If anyone can pull strings from Above to make it happen, it’s the Fat Guy.

RIP Scott Chaffin aka The Fat Guy

The photo above was taken at my 25 year high school reunion. Scott flew out to take me and have a bit of a vacation. We had a great time wandering around San Diego, eating at D.Z. Akin’s — giant pastrami sandwiches, followed by a decadent napoleon. Afterward, we headed down to Sunset Beach to watch crazy people jump into the ocean in a very rocky area. CRAZY crazy people. Both of us shook our heads and blamed “youth” for the insanity.

We talked as we watched, laughed a lot, and basically had a good time. Then, we headed off to a park to watch a local rockabilly band play. Luckily, it tickled Scott that we’d survived the knot of streets in that part of town in order to find the park, listen to the band, and then walk around and look at very old grave markers in the corner of the park (it was once a cemetery in just a small section and even though the bodies had been moved, the markers remained for the sake of history). “Graveyard park and people dancing to live music 30 feet away — that’s perfect!” And we laughed about it.

When the night of my reunion came around, Scott was a great date. He entertained me, he entertained my friends, and when he saw I was pretty much over the entire thing, he was cool about us going to a local bar for a bit of decompression. Of course, half the people from the reunion showed up there, too. We laughed and enjoyed ourselves until it was time to go. He had an early flight and I had to get home and pray for no hangover.

That was the one and only trip I got to spend with the legendary Fat Guy and it was great. I missed him the moment I closed the car door and walked into my apartment. I didn’t think it would be the last time I would see him, though. He’d promised we’d someday go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras or for Jazz Fest. Even all these years later, I figured King Arthur and I would pick him up on our way to NOLA and hold him to that experience. Now, when I do finally get there, it’ll be in his memory.

Thanks to whoever it was who first introduced us via blogging. And thanks to his ex-wife Cindy who was the other half of that angel team. They were always so kind and funny and lovely people. I know Cindy, her family, and Scott’s family are still grieving their loss and I feel for them. When good people leave this earth, they leave a void that can never truly be filled.

Scott, set up one of your incredible music and food festivals where you are now. You got plenty of talent up there keeping you company and I’m sure those who are up there with you would appreciate it. Look for Rob and Mikey. Look for my Grandfather, he’ll join in on a jam, I’m sure. Rest in peace and pleasure, my friend.

Goodbye, Scott Chaffin. We’ll never forget you.



Da Goddess @ 08:27

That’s the new word for what the cats do as they run up and down the hallway.

We opened up the bedroom door to them finally. When we first got them, Celia tended to hide up under the bed, so we got her out of there and closed the door. The only way to get the cats acclimated to the house was to get them out into the house. But, now, now they’re allowed back in as they’ve pretty much taken over everything anyway.

With the bedroom door opened, it’s as if they suddenly have way more room to run. They galumph up and down the hallway like it’s their runway and they’re trying to take off. Two little kitties. Lots of galumphing noise. Most of the time they stop at the bedroom, turn around, and run back toward us. Sometimes, though, they run straight through to the bedroom. When they get into the bedroom, they are both always ALWAYS surprised by the cat in the mirror and get that silly puffed up bounce that cats get. It’s hysterical. Kind of like this cat at the very beginning:

And yes, both Fletch and Celia eventually make friends with the mirror cat, but they forget every single time and get scared as they race into the room.

Needless to say, we spend a lot of time laughing over their antics. It’s pretty frickin’ adorable.


TJH: Inspire – Ghost Ship

Da Goddess @ 00:13

When I had to go into court against the insurance company a couple weeks ago, we saw a naval ship off the coast at Camp Pendleton, practicing loading and offloading of gear. The haze and the sun and the angle of our vehicle made it look rather ghostly, as if it were floating up in the thin clouds. By the time we pulled over at the rest stop, it looked a little less ghostly, but I took a few photos anyway.

ghost ship

ghost ship

I couldn’t leave well enough alone, so I separated myself from the crowd (who were also out shooting with cameras and snapping with cell phones), wandered behind the one tree that stood off to the side, and figured I’d play NCIS agent to get the next two shots. King Arthur had the same idea and was trying to find me certain angles, which didn’t work so well because he’s taller and, guess what? I’m not. So I stuck with my range of view.

if I were a spy

if I were a spy

Yeah, I’m a total geek when it comes to making something easy a lot more difficult. I think they turned out okay. Sadly, I had no DiNozzo to slap upside the head, although I think I called KA “probie” in keeping with the NCIS theme. (I’ve already admitted I’m weird. No need to say it again, unless you absolutely must.)