
LD in Da House!

Da Goddess @ 13:43

Little Dude has arrived! He’s currently on the sofa with Celia in his lap. She picked him back at the shelter and I somehow think she’s only put up with me and with King Arthur in hopes that LD would soon return.

This week we have to finish up paperwork for his recruiter. Yep, you read that right: his recruiter. USMC. He’s doing an early enlistment deal with delayed entry so he can finish his last year in high school. I can’t even begin to wrap my head around this. At all. He’s my baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby booooooy! I just…can’t…with this. Sigh.

Since he got here this morning, we’ve made three stops, had lunch, played with cats, and are watching movies because, well, that’s what we do.

Anyhow, that’s what’s going on here today.


We All Thought the World of Him – Tony Gwynn

Da Goddess @ 03:00

When I heard the news the other morning that Tony Gwynn had died, it felt like a little piece of all the goodness in the world was lost. Tony was truly one of the Good Guys. He was a talented ball player, that much everyone knows. But what they may not know is his amazing attitude wasn’t just for show; the man was simply a good-hearted man on and off the field. Instead of ending up in the newspaper embroiled in some scandal or for bad behavior, stories about him usually involved his kindness and generosity within his community.

At one point in my life, I lived practically around the corner and down the street from him. His home wasn’t surrounded by ten-foot-tall privacy walls or guarded by beefy security guys. No, he and his family were just another family in the neighborhood. My mom’s best friend at the time actually was one of his neighbors and she often remarked what a nice guy he was. No pretense. No “please don’t come over here, I’m famous…and therefore too busy to deal with you.” He’d wave. He’d offer to help you take your trash cans up your drive.

While other teammates were getting all sorts of press for refusing autographs unless you paid them or for swearing up a storm or throwing a temper tantrum (on field, off field, at nightclubs, at stores) or getting arrested for domestic violence, disturbing the peace, drunk driving, or drugs, Tony was smiling and laughing and doing things that made the world a better place. He remembered names; always took time to acknowledge friends, neighbors, fans, strangers; spent time helping a kid throw a ball properly; leading by example to teach others about the rewards of hard work and loyalty.

One of the pieces I’ve read about Tony Gwynn was over on Deadspin by David Johnson. If you need a feel-good story for your day, this is the one. It also serves as a great reminder to each and every single one of us that being a decent human being isn’t just a concept, it’s something we should all endeavor to achieve.

Rest in peace, Tony Gwynn. Hope you got a comfy seat in the dugout!


I Still Miss You, Man

Da Goddess @ 00:07

Oh, Rob.

You’re still gone and I still miss you. Eight years has gone by and you continue to be in my thoughts, my heart, my dreams. You always will be. You were one of the most special people in my life and there are times when it feels you’re still among the living. At the very least, you’re here, watching over me.

Thank you for your friendship, love, laughter, and music. Thank you for being true to yourself and living your life on your own terms and teaching us how to do the same.

I know your kids miss you, too. I hope they get the same warm feeling I get when they realize you’re there beside them, guiding them to do their best and grab life by the balls. Your friends, I know they’re still missing you. I’m pretty sure Willie’s playing songs, thinking of you. I’m certain Rick & Georgia are sharing stories and shedding a tear or two.

The world is a sadder place without you in it. The world is a better place because you were in it.

Thanks for giving us all such great gifts. We love you, Robbie!


Sitting Pretty

Da Goddess @ 03:05

Oh, Fletch!

Fletch sitting pretty

Honestly, that cat is just weird.


A Quote I Searched High & Low to Find

Da Goddess @ 08:01

From Whales on Stilts:

“Along the shore, the forest and the gorge turned red with sunset. For a long time, they stood by the railing and talked about things that mattered to them. There are times when friendship feels like running down a hill together as fast as you can, jumping over things, spinning around, and you don’t care where you’re going, and you don’t care where you’ve come from, because all that matters is speed, and the hands holding your hands. That’s how it felt to Katie, Jasper, and Lily: Though the night was falling, it was if they could still feel the sun on their faces, and they stood together talking until the sky turned to black, the party balloons sagged, and the androids came to take them home.”

I dreamed about that quote last night, if you can believe that. I knew I had it tucked away somewhere. Turned out it was in an email to Diego Momma years ago. Thank goodness for gmail and saving emails!


Crime Fighting, Cuteness, and Working Cats!

Da Goddess @ 23:01

Well, at least they try to fight crime. It’s a pretty hard job, you know.

One police station in Kyoto has a cat named on the job.

In Seoul, South Korea, Mango and Mango Kobun handle various duties around the station, including keeping morale high.

At Kishi Station, Tama serves as the Super Station Master. Not exactly police work, but still an official job of authority! And her presence there helped save the station from closing. That’s pretty damn cool.

By now, the whole world has pretty much heard the story about the cat who saved a California child from a dog attack. Tara, the brave kitty, is now your basic international superstar!

Then there’s Quirky, the blind kitten. Super powers: a little echolocation used to get around; has a seeing eye dog, should super powers fail; and, finally, ULTRA CUTENESS! So, not necessarily a crime fighter or a working cat, but Quirky is a heartbreaker of the finest kind.

And if you’re tired of cats for a while, here’s a palatte cleanser: exceedingly amazing work made of paper.


Two Little…er…One Little Birdie

Da Goddess @ 17:40

We lost one of the baby hummingbirds yesterday or thereabouts. The neighbor caught a cat (not one of ours!) skulking around the base of the carport leg (which is what I guess it’s called. I don’t know!) and then noticed one of the babies was no longer in the nest. Mama Hummingbird was a bit upset, it seemed, as she was hovering around the nest most of the day.

Now, it’s just one little fuzzball waiting for flight training.

Yes, I’m still taking pictures. Yes, I will post them. Eventually. Have you met me? I take the pictures. I just don’t always post them in a timely manner.

Arm & Hammer Got it Wrong! Simply Saline is Ruined

Da Goddess @ 04:24

Here’s the deal: the moment I discovered Simply Saline (under the Church & Dwight label), I became an ardent devotee. At the first sign of congestion, I’d grab my dispenser and get to clearing out my nasal passages. Considering how bad my sinuses have always been, this was a godsend! I could cut my infection time in half. I could function. Part of the beauty of Simply Saline was the fact that it was just what it said it was: simply…saline. No added ingredients. No preservatives. No funky taste/smell. Nothing to gunk up the body for those with ultra-sensitive mucous membranes. Perfect for babies. Perfect for adults. I told EVERYONE about it.

Before Simply Saline, I had tried just about everything else on the market. I tried making my own saline solution. None of it worked. The other stuff sold in stores contained ingredients that caused me further irritation and/or adverse reactions. Whatever I tried to make at home was never right; it didn’t matter if I followed the directions given to me by doctors because it was never right. Never.

And then came Simply Saline. The clouds parted. The sun shone brilliantly as if God Himself blessed our union. I was in love. I had relief. Simply Saline made it possible for me to stop taking one of my decongestants. It was a miracle.

But now Arm & Hammer only sells Simply Saline with added ingredients.

Original recipe: Purified Water; 0.9% Sodium Chloride

New recipe: Purified Water; 0.9% Sodium Chloride; Sodium Bicarbonate

People with certain medical conditions can’t use products with sodium bicarb. It can cause increased blood pressure; it can decrease the effectiveness of aspirin; it can cause alkalosis; and it can cause edema, congestive heart failure, hyperosmolar syndrome, hypervolemic hypernatremia, and “in patients consuming a high-calcium or dairy-rich diet, calcium supplements, or calcium-containing antacids such as calcium carbonate (e.g., Tums), the use of sodium bicarbonate can cause milk-alkali syndrome, which can result in metastatic calcification, kidney stones, and kidney failure.”

So, really, why would a company that has a great product that can be used by everyone suddenly change the formula and reduce their consumer base? It’s bad business. At the very least, they really should have an additive-free version of their product in addition to the new formula. Loyal customers who loved the original version would be satisfied and they could still make money. As it stands now, I’m sick and I’m angry. Angry that I can’t find a product that has always served me well.

Arm & Hammer, this is just bad business practices. There was nothing wrong with the original Simply Saline. It was a great product that was very effective. Shame on you for not giving your customers a choice.


Deadliest Catch – Season 10 – Opis & Josh Harris & the Cornelia Marie & the Kitchen Sink

Da Goddess @ 22:16

Yes, we’re a couple months into the Deadliest Catch season, but it’s not been until last week that we saw the Cornelia Marie back in the water. Thanks to Josh Harris, the CM is back where she belongs, doing what she was meant to do. Only one of the Harris boys is in the captain’s chair and that would be Josh. ‘

(Jake, keep up the good work! Stay sober, stay safe, stay focused! One day at a time. Even half a day at a time works. Just do the hard work so you can come back to the hard physical work that will help keep you on track. We’re rootin’ for ya!)

Josh has worked hard to get the boat back out on the water and he’s doing it the smart way: he’s bringing along another captain with more experience so he has someone he trusts with the boat, the crew, and he has someone who will teach him to run that boat the way Phil would have wanted it run.

It makes all of us proud, in a bittersweet way, to see the CM out there. We miss Phil, sure. But what we really miss is Phil with Jake and Josh. So for now, we feel the presence of one of our favorite Harris men through the eyes and actions of his eldest son, Josh. I think Papa Harris would be deeply proud of all that Josh is doing. Keep up the good work, guy!

The other boats are back, too. Northwestern is driving Sig nuts with mechanical/electrical problems that only Edgar can fix. It’s go time for the Hansen family! And Jake Anderson! He takes the wheel while the rest of the guys try to get shit done down in the engine room.

The Wizard has Capt Keith sitting up at the Russian border, hoping to drop pots on a big ol’ untouched biomass!

Andy’s at the helm on the Time Bandit since brother John is out trying to get healthy and avoid the sort of tragedy that took Phil from this world far too soon.

Wild Bill is out with his son and they’re crew on the Cape Caution.

Elliot Neese is out of rehab and back on his boat. Edgar’s stopped by to encourage him to get through each day and count every day as a success.

And Scott “Junior” Campbell remains on the injured list after his spinal surgery. Having been down that road myself, it’s not an easy recovery and I wish him all the best and a very speedy recovery!

This opi season looks to be a rough one, so pull on your big boy pants, gentlemen, and do the best you can. Oh, and Mandy? If you make it out onto the boat, eyes open, head up/down/up/down — up for safety, down for putting the nose to the ol’ grindstone. We’re cheering you on!

Here’s to Season 10 Opies being a great season for all!


Behind the Scenes Look at Underwater Photo Shoot

Da Goddess @ 00:27

The results are stunning, but even better than that is seeing how it all came to be.


Happy Father’s Day!

Da Goddess @ 14:06

Or is it Happy Fathers’ Day? Where does that apostrophe belong? Some say it’s “Father’s Day”, but while we do celebrate our father on that day, what about all the others? So many questions. And only one real answer that matters:

Wishing all a very happy Father’s Day – whether or not you’re male, the biological parent of the child, or even related to the kid — the fact is, you chose to give your heart and time and attention to someone who needed you and you deserve to be rewarded! Have a fantastic day!


Mumblin’ (the) Word, Hummin’ (the) Tune

Da Goddess @ 22:16

After a full week of feeling like shit that started with sinus crud, moved into glandular crap, and consistently headachey, I’m finally starting to feel a little better. Still fatigued. Still headachey, still congested, and still a bit enlarged in the glands, but definitely moving in a more healthful direction. Lots of sleep this week. Lots of pain that refused to go away. Lots of watching movies I’d likely never watch otherwise. Lots of tv shows to catch up on. Lots of trying out of new shows (the best thus far are Jennifer Falls on TVLand and Gang Related on Foxx. Also, really love Murder in the First on TNT. We’ve also been watching Penny Dreadful on, I think, Showtime. It’s weird, but good. Sadly, we only have one more episode of the season for Game of Thrones, which I’ve come to love beyond all reason. About a month ago, we watched from the very first episode of the series through to the current season and I am so very much into the stories and the characters. I may even need to buy the books.

Gotta have something to do while my voice recovers, right? And you know me, I’ll take books any day.

Also, I’ve spent the past couple days watching a hummingbird nest. YES! Baby hummingbirds! Mama was there one day feeding the two little ones and now I check on them at least three times a day, just to see how they’re doing. I get my camera and my 70-300mm lens out, zoom in as far as I can and take photos. I’ll post some later. It’s really amazing to see baby hummers! They’re adorable. I knew there were somewhere in the vicinity when I had a mama come after me whie I was cleaning the litterbox. I just couldn’t find the nest. Probably because it wasn’t where I expected it to be. But I know where it is now. And I study them throughout the day (between naps, cups of steaming hot tea or soup). I can’t wait to see them finally emerge and test their little wings. I wish I had video mode on my camera for that!

Now, it’s time to go back to sleeping. Gotta heal up. Life won’t wait for me. Gotta get back to my Rear Window activities asap.


Reunited & It Feels So Good

Da Goddess @ 17:55

My cellphone is home! Woo hoo!

The owners of the club called last night to let King Arthur know my phone was found. Right where I thought it would be.

I am so relieved! Seriously, every single phone number I needed is in there. My doctor appointments are on the calendar. Everything. EV. RY. THING. (Ditch the middle E, of course.)

Of course, after all this, I’m going to make a backup list of all my phone numbers, all my appointments, all the notes I make.

I could easily go a week without my phone were I on vacation, but have it disappear unexpectedly? Oh HELL NO! It’s like taking away half my brain. And, mind you: this is the very most basic cellphone made. No camera. No internet. Nothing beyond calling, texting, and simple additions like a calculator, calendar, and a note function. Being without it left me feeling incomplete. I’m thinking I need to be without it more often or get counseling or something.

So, yeah. Here I am: reunited with my phone and it feels soooo good.



Da Goddess @ 01:34

I don’t know how I managed to get all the way through the week without writing something. Okay, yes, I do know. It’s called laziness. It’s called avoidance. It’s called books I got caught up reading. It’s all that and more.


For most people, this indicates the last day of the week they trudge into work/school, mumbling, grumbling, watching the clock, counting down the hours until they are free to spend two days doing things they don’t get to do during the week. Including a list of things they don’t want to do, much like work. But it’s their weekend and they can shirk their responsibilities at home if they so choose since their paycheck/report card doesn’t reflect their level of effort or lack thereof.

Me? It signals the day when the owner of the bar I visited last weekend for a show will walk into his club and determine whether or not my lost phone is still there. Until that time, nothing much matters. I need to know if the phone is there. Pleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseletitbethere!

I’m sort of lost without my phone. It has all my doctor’s info, including appointments on it. All my friends and family are carefully entered into the address book contained therein. Basically, my life is at a standstill without my phone.

Please all cross your fingers that my phone is found because that is the only way I can begin breathing again. Trust that my headache is now rather significant at this point as my oxygen level is severely depleted.

Thanks. I appreciate it.