I had the best time at Faire yesterday. I’d go back today, but I think I’d be in big trouble. HUGE trouble. Got great photos and am uploading today. Editing all week. Taking them back to the pirates on Saturday. Yay!
I’ll be posting photos all week, so consider yourself warned!
“Tell my I’m clever,
Tell me I’m kind,
Tell me I’m talented,
Tell me I’m cute,
Tell me I’m sensitive,
Graceful and Wise
Tell me I’m perfect–
But tell me the TRUTH.”
I’m addicted to the show about people living in buildings that were once something else completely. Abattoirs, churches, hotels, speakeasies, barns, stores, firehouses, brothels, factories, showrooms, etc.
As someone who was raised by people who appreciate the old and unusual, I’m attracted to this idea like a nail to a magnet and wish I could find the perfect place (after I win the lottery, of course) to renovate into a home/business/fascinating destination for friends and family.
You Live In What? is great viewing and great inspiration. And the perfect show for me to watch when I wake up in the middle of the night after falling asleep during regular primetime viewing.
Okay, back to bed. I have a busy day ahead of me. Visit Dad, hit the hospital for meds, get downtown for a gig, etc. Gotta get the sleepies out of my system fast!
I like lizards. Love ’em! But when you’re not expecting to find them running around indoors, it can be a bit surprising. Plus, then you start thinking, “If lizards can get in here, what else might be lurking around the corner?” That’s what creeped me out the most.
Anyhow, I got the first lizard out just fine. He was a big guy. Sluggish. Didn’t put up a fight at all. But his smaller friend who’d warmed himself on the cable box was full of vim and vigor. It took another two hours before I convinced him to leave.