
Contented Sigh

Da Goddess @ 15:52

By 3pm, dinner was done, the dishwasher was running, and my “new family” loved all my food. I’m calling it a good day and heaving a contented sigh.

Talked with my family…except for LD (who is on a trip with his grandmother and uncle — dad’s side of family). They’re all gathering over at my sister’s for dinner. Thankfully, I felt almost like I was there with the yummy Razzmatazz I made, courtesy of my older sister’s recipe.

I miss them all, but just knowing they’re together and happy and that they’re happy I have this job, etc., makes everything okay.

Of course, come Christmas, I better have me a fix or I’ll go crazy.

Many Reasons to Say “Happy Thanksgiving”

Da Goddess @ 05:12

I hope each of you have many wonderful reasons to be thankful today and every day. For me, I have to say I’m grateful for my friends who have stuck by me, even when I was a pain in the ass or when I fucked up, or especially when I was feeling so low. I’m grateful for my family, who never ceases to surprise me. I’m grateful for this new job and the opportunity it provides me to be a part of a family’s life, to care for their precious little one, and to help them find time to do more than just “work” and “be parents”.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone


Shhh, Radio Silence on the Winner for DWTS

Da Goddess @ 01:33

I’m waiting for the finale to be posted online.

I want JR Martinez to win, but wouldn’t be upset if Ricki wins. They’ve both done well. I just don’t want to see a Kardashian win. PUHlleeeeeeeeeeeeeese!

Anyhow, I’m too tired tonight to wait for it to post to hulu, so mum’s the word, eh?

Also, should I keep this design on this blog the same as it’s been for years or do I go with the one I’d put up for the dg/wp site? What else would you like to see? I’m open to suggestions, so speak up;