I Would Wrap Your Presents In Manta Claus Paper
If I were giving gifts this year, I would wrap your presents in Claus paper. I would, indeed.
If I were to give you the gift of music, I would send you directly to Greg Nagy where you could download his fine album.
Were I to include a single video for the Holidays, I would include my favorite:
And if I were given to proclamations of the joyous sort, I would wish each and every single one of you a happy, loving, Christmas, Hanukkah (or the spelling of your choosing), Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Winter Solstice, etc.
With that, I am off to cook for people who are not my blood family but for whom I am helping to keep close together, while missing mine…and I will be calling my family later this weekend to let them know how much I love and miss them so incredibly. Next year, though, I’m THERE. Without fail.
May you find extra hope, faith, joy,friendship, love, and laughter amongst your gifts this year.
I hope you and yours all have a fabulous Christmas wherever you are to celebrate it.
Comment by The Gray Monk — 2011/12/24 @ 04:13
Merry Christmas Joanie
Comment by patti — 2011/12/24 @ 20:10
And right back at you, too.
And how ’bout bringing back all the emoticons?
Comment by diamond dave — 2011/12/24 @ 21:52
Merry Christmas!
Comment by tina — 2011/12/24 @ 22:41
Sending hugs…and praying that your next Christmas will be a hugeous celebration filled with love and laughter.
Comment by Mrs. Who — 2011/12/29 @ 21:43