
Hot Hot Hot!

DaGoddess @ 03:53

Yesterday was the follow up appointment with the doc. The appointment had been rescheduled since we were waiting for my nerve conduction test to be done, which it was. So I get to my appointment and end up waiting for two hours. Time spent with the doc? About 90 seconds. And no test results. Also, they were out of my meds, which means I have to make another trip down there to pick them up whenever they happen to be in stock. Not exactly good news since I’m now out of meds (thanks to the rescheduling). Oh well. At least I’m not in super bad shape at the moment. I do, however, have a lot of cleaning to do over the next two days. I have company this weekend. I’m very excited about that! [insert girlish squee here]

Fingers crossed that my meds are here before Friday. That’s all I ask.

After all that frustration earlier in the day, I got this feeling, deep inside my…eye. I was lighting a candle last night and the tip of the match flew back into my eye. Can you say ouch? I freaked. I hate anything getting near my eyes so you can imagine how much I would hate a match head — a HOT match head — flying into my eye. I was, to say the least, praying like a mofo that all would be well. I made myself tear up (easy to do when considering a burned eyeball). No damage done from what I can see…and I can see, making me exceedingly happy.

Other good news: my check engine light went off the other night. Finally. I was pretty certain it was just hitting the 92,000 mile mark. Everything else looks and sounds good. Again: happy. Means I’ll be able to make the pilgrimate to San Diego for Christmas. Oh…that reminds me that I need to get my oil changed this week.

Trying to figure out what I should get in the way of groceries for my company. Or do I just wait and go shopping with them when they’re here? I know it sounds stupid, however, I like guests. It’s nice to have a place that’s big enough to accommodate visitors. And with MOBD being gone for so long, it gets lonely here. (Little Dude comes out at the end of the month, but that’s only for a week.) I like having people around. Anyhow, we only have a couple days to hang out and I hope we can squeeze in a few fun things. I know a trip to the winery is in order. But what else should we go do? Hmm…decisions, decisions. Here’s hoping the weather holds up and I have some sort of out-of-town-guest entertainment epiphany.

I’m going to go ponder and leave you with this:


  1. Enjoy your company! I know what you mean about shopping before or during… sometimes it’s fun to shop with company!

    Glad you didn’t burn your eyeball… and that the engine light went out. You’re on a roll; all you need now is meds!


    Comment by pam — 2010/12/08 @ 06:34

  2. short drive to Cedar Breaks and Zion. Take a wander thru southern Utah and walk in the dinosaur footprints around Cedar City. Brianhead’s always a nice time. Or if you want closer, Lee Canyon, Laughlin, or Mesquite…. Enjoy!

    Comment by p2 — 2010/12/08 @ 22:12

  3. Lee Canyon. Good idea!

    And the winery. And the wild horses. I think that’ll fill the little time we have. Next trip…we’ll go do more.


    Comment by DaGoddess — 2010/12/09 @ 05:40

  4. You should get the Bare Naked Ladies Christmas CD. It is one of our favorites! And no, I haven’t seen the CanCan Christmas thing, I’ll have to hunt it up :biggrin:

    Comment by patti — 2010/12/09 @ 06:56

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