
PROMPTuesday #111 – Summertime Blues

DaGoddess @ 10:11

Deb was off telling spooky stories at summer camp while I was off doing…hmm, I dunno know what. All I know is that the only summer camp I got to attend was usually something related to Girl Scouts. And it was either camping for a few days up at Cuyamaca or day camp at Lake Poway. I’m gonna have to dig deep to deal with week’s Prompt, so bear with me.

I don’t know that I recall enough about any camp experience beyond these few things: there was the time we had a bat in our cabin while we Girl Scouts were up in the mountains somewhere. It caused great distress for a goodly number of campers and some ended up sleeping outside, which I thought was more dangerous than sharing a cabin with a bat who probably just wanted to be as far away from screaming 12 year old girls as possible. There was also the time at day camp when I only really wanted to be part of the color guard. In fact, I wanted it so badly that I’d talk other girls out of it so I could do it more than once. Which I did.

“Girl Scouts, attention.”

“Color guard advance.”

“Color Guard, post the colors.”

“Color guard, honor your flag.”

“Please join us in saying the Pledge of Allegiance.”

Yes, I got to be the caller more than once, too. But mostly I wanted to be one of the girls folding the flag. That was a big honor in my book. Making that perfect rectangle and then folding the flag into its perfect triangle, tucking in the end just so. It meant the world to me. I’m still unabashedly patriotic and tear up when I see the flag flying. I was born that way, I think.


“Color guard, honor your flag.”

“Color guard, retire the colors.”

“Color guard, dismissed.”

“Girl Scouts dismissed.”


  1. I never got to fold the flag OR be the caller.

    Comment by San Diego Momma — 2010/06/17 @ 09:09

  2. I was a sneaky kid. I made it happen. And being the caller? One of the only times I wanted to speak in front of a large group. I was pretty shy back then. Fat, shy, blah blah blah. So I worked to make my little dreams come true.

    Comment by DaGoddess — 2010/06/17 @ 18:31

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