I Miss You So Badly
Really. And I miss posting more too. But Internet connectivity is limited. We’re working on setting up a better connection. Until then, it’s rather hit and miss.
On the upside, I’m freezing my ass off. I’m wishing I had a few bulky sweaters and a heavier jacket. Don’t know how that’s possible here, yet it is.
Laughed my ass off tonight watching So I Married An Axe Murderer. One of my favorite movies of all time. Thankfully, my friend’s nephew is also a fan and that’s what we ended up doing after dinner. No one else seemed to be into the movie and we totally didn’t care.
Let’s see…what else is going on? I attended my first powerlifting event this weekend. Photographed it. I’ll upload some photos when the connection is better. I have a photo workshop tomorrow evening. I’m going to be driving there on my own. In a big city I don’t know. Scary but necessary if I’m ever going to get in the swing of things.
Hmm, I guess that’s about it right now. Unless you want to know what’s been on PBS the last few days. (Didn’t think so.)
Wish me luck on the Internet dealio. I so miss posting and I have a lot of stories to share.
I am wishing you luck right NOW!!!
Comment by vodkamom — 2009/11/16 @ 04:48
Miss you more!!! :hug:
I adore So I Married an Axe Murderer…! Well, just about anything Mike Myers does is excellent…
A photo workshop! Sounds so cool! Hope you get ‘connected’ soon!
Comment by Pam — 2009/11/16 @ 06:43
Sounds like you’re having fun anyway!
Comment by Jan — 2009/11/16 @ 08:07
(BTW, if you want some filler posts, I can kick in a few.)
Comment by Jan — 2009/11/16 @ 08:08
Miss you too. :hug:
Comment by diamond dave — 2009/11/16 @ 20:02
I haven’t seen that one. I’ll have to check it out. As for PBS, don’t you be knockin’ it. Antiques Roadshow is da bomb! How else would we dream of happening upon some crazy piece of something that’s worth enough to get you out of debt?
Comment by GW — 2009/11/23 @ 16:40