
Creative Every Day 2009 – Monday

DaGoddess @ 14:27

Creative Every Day Challenge: 9-15. Are you going to play? My entries for today:

Raindrops on Cactus

Raindrops on cactus? Next thing I know, you’ll be telling me there’s whiskers on toenails or something.

Rainy and Red

I couldn’t pass up these cheery red berry-type things. Have no idea what they are. But they are and I liked, so here you go.


  1. Beautiful!! Love the drops hanging from the cactus! Love it! And the berries? Very 3-D! Feels like I can touch them!
    :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

    Comment by Pam — 2009/02/09 @ 14:52

  2. They’re both beautiful! I like the blue bike on the previous post too. I actually can see all three photos side by side – the blue, green and red.

    Comment by Chris — 2009/02/09 @ 18:41

  3. Are you trying to tell me you DON’T have whiskers on your toenails? :biggrin:

    Comment by Stu — 2009/02/10 @ 11:02

  4. I love them both- but the cactus is speaking to me……

    Comment by vodkamom — 2009/02/12 @ 04:18

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