
I Once Was Lost

DaGoddess @ 03:33

But now I’m found.

What am I?

A battery for DG’s camera! Yep. She thought I was missing. I hid really well. So well that she tore apart a whole apartment, a suitcase, a camera bag, and a purse. Oh, and a sofa. Then, the other day, she went and bought another battery. I laughed. Yesterday, she took it back, thinking she’d run up to the camera store and get it $20 cheaper. Well, she never got up there. But, just a little while ago, she was slipping a business card into the side pouch of the camera bag and she found me. I’ve been here the whole time. I’m just sneaky!

Sneaky sneaky sneaky!


She is so blonde!


Parrish Sky

DaGoddess @ 05:00

Taken last night at 18:40.

The color was fading from the sky very quickly. Every ten seconds that went by meant a little more color was gone. Finally, I hit the remote and let the camera go for 42 seconds. That little bit of light on the trees in the foreground? The remote’s little flickery light. Go figure.

Parrish Sky

I have always loved Maxfield Parrish and I really wanted to capture part of that color and lighting that makes his work so gorgeous. The moody, slightly lit clouds, the deep blue, it’s almost there. All that’s missing is the old farm or millhouse.


What is it?

DaGoddess @ 18:48

What is it?

First, what do you think this is? Secondly, where do you think I found it?



DaGoddess @ 06:00

Oleander seedpods doing what they do best.



Extreme Closeup

Crazy California

DaGoddess @ 02:27

Monday we had 96 degrees at 9:30am. Yesterday we had 76 degrees at 9:30am and 72 degrees at almost noon. I loved being in the pool on Monday and was freezing during most of my session yesterday (even though the pool is indoors and heated to 84 or 85 degrees).

Other signs of our crazy weather — our leaves. Our trees don’t know whether they’re coming or going.

Shallow DOF

Yellow Leaf

All photos over the last couple days were taken with Precious, the Sigma 50mm f/2.8 macro lens, which is why there’s all that shallow depth of field.


Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

DaGoddess @ 14:57

Taylor Hicks is performing at the Belly Up tomorrow night. I have a pass for the show. I can’t take photos, but I could at least go and see him perform.

No, I am not an American Idol fan. Yes, I have heard Taylor sing and I like. His blue-eyed soul/bluesy approach is right up my alley. But, I rarely go to concerts without my camera. It’s not that I’m incapable of enjoying the performance without a camera, it’s more that I try to make the most out of the event.


The question is: do I go even though I can’t photograph the performance? If you answer “yes”, tell me why, please.

Audience Participation

DaGoddess @ 04:00

Okay, folks, here we go. Couple of things I need to point out and/or ask for your help with.

I know, I know. I ask so much from you. Anyhow, I promise to keep this simple and list everything out for you so you have to do little more than point, click, and (maybe) participate. Well, there are two other items that require a bit more from you, but those are below the fold.

1) Sidebar. To the right. Please vote for my Assignment.

2) It’s really not too late to participate in Greg Lato’s Blog Project. I did. I shared my view with him. Why not share yours and encourage your own readers to play along? Leave me a comment and let me know you’ve participated so that I can come admire your handiwork.

3) My friends have a song in the International Songwriting Competition. It’s called “Mister Coffee” and some of you are very familiar with this song. It’s the one I’ve sent out to many of you because it’s just so damn good. Please go vote for Chris & Patrick! I know at least two people reading this blog have heard and seen this song performed in person (Patty and Temple). If you want to hear the song before you vote, the website where you vote lets you listen. Or you can leave a comment with a valid email address and I’ll make sure you get to hear the tune.

4) I have a photo you could vote for if you were a member of Gosnap. Take a look at this site and you should be able to recognize my image way down near the bottom. If you need a hint, I’m happy to provide you with (another) one. (more…)


Guardians of the Peppercorns

DaGoddess @ 23:45

I love peppercorns. Love, love, ’em. So when Little Dude and I discovered a lot of them on our walk, I had to take at least one photo. And I did limit it to one. (See? I’m getting better!)


But, because peppercorns are often under siege for one reason or another, they require a watchful eye. Thankfully, they have that. (more…)

Don’t Know What It Is

DaGoddess @ 20:52

I don’t know what kind of plant this is other than a pretty one.

Yellow Tufts

Yellow tufts.

Leaves of yellow tufted plant

Leaves of the yellow tufted plant.

We Are Family

DaGoddess @ 14:58

Over on the sidebar is a link to my idea for the “Name Your Dream Assignment” contest. I’d appreciate your support for my idea:

We Are Family

Capturing the truest sense of family and how that support system provides each of us with the skills and the encouragement to head out into the “world” each day.

Not all families look or act the same, but each compels us in their own way.

Whether it’s because we’re encouraged by supportive parents, out to prove something to a family that has “given up” on us, or simply because we hope to improve conditions for those we love, our relationships are very often what drives us to succeed.

Looking at various cultures, I’m fairly certain that no matter what their individual or ethnic values are, family will almost always be cited as someone’s motivation in their work, their sense of self, and their definition of success.

As a former nurse who worked with people from all around the world, I was amazed with the way various cultures supported one another. Some people seemed overbearing, some seemed almost neglectful, others came across as only peripherally involved, yet there was love and support underneath all of it. And it’s always been my dream to capture that in images. The better we understand the family dynamic across cultures, the easier it is to see we are all a part of one big family.

We are family, whether we acknowledge it or not. I think I could bring this message home by showing families all around the world engaged in similar activities, in a way that would make it obvious that we’re all really after the same thing: a sense of belonging. No matter how family is defined or what they look like, we all belong to one and how we relate to them is how we often relate to others.

That’s my take. I hope you like the idea and vote for me.

For Photographers and the People Who Love Them

DaGoddess @ 04:46

Tofurious has all sorts of textures available for reasonable prices. But that’s not all they offer. Nope, they also offer help with album design as well as marketing strategies.

Also found: another great workshop coming up! Tots to Teens will be here March 16. I’m debating…though I’m not sure why I wouldn’t go. Okay, okay, it’s a money thing. But…there’s endless amounts of valuable info about marketing to be had as well as getting to know other photographers who photograph these age groups. Sadly, the budget won’t work this time around.

Obviously, there’s lots to be learned.

And even more obviously, those of you who live with a photographer can just about hear that “office door” slamming in your face as your beloved runs off to play with a new toy. (I always have to try out new textures as soon as I get them, as well as I always am looking for ways to capture another segment of the photographic realm in my quest for knowledge. Marketing, baby. That’s where it’s at.)

Super special news: I entered a photo in a competition last month and I found out last night that it’s made it to the second round. Wish me luck!

Best article I’ve read on photography in a long time: Interview with Syl Arena. I love his perspective on gear, working with other photographers, and just about everything else.


Trial & Error

DaGoddess @ 23:15

Sometimes I get to fiddlin’ around with an image and can’t decide whether or not I like it in ANY form. So, this is where you come in. You get to decide whether or not this is a keeper. Your choice. Vote Yea or Nay in the comments — for both. It’s not a “one or the other” situation. If you think they both suck, so sayeth you and that’s…okay.


or there’s this version

Color Cactus