

DaGoddess @ 18:42

You’ve all seen that No-AD sunscreen stuff in the stores, right? Right. It’s not as inexpensive as it used to be, but it’s still cheaper than the big brand name products which makes it a bargain in comparison.

Well, let me introduce myself. I’m the No-Ad blogger.

I was reading and Steve’s posts on the Pajama Media thing…and grateful that they wrote something so that I didn’t have to.

I got the pitch. I tossed the email. Like them, I don’t see how the average blogger will 1) make money or 2) get anything published anywhere but on their own blog. It doesn’t make sense for someone like me to do something like that.

The fact is, I moved off blogspot years ago to get rid of the ads that were plastered at the top of the page. I have never had ads on a site that I pay for and never will.

I’ve talked to others about it…like Smash. I understand that he gets tons of traffic and his bandwidth usage is outrageous. Getting a little revenue to help pay for that makes sense in his case. I mean, he was blogging from the other side of the world and people were flocking to his site lke crazy. He came home and they still gather around. Then again, he’s a lot smarter than I am and says things more eloquently than I.

Anyhow, my philosophy has always been this: if I can’t afford a domain name and hosting fees on my own, I should get the hell out of blogging.

Could I make a little extra cash with ads? Maybe….once upon a time. But I wasn’t willing to sell my soul to do it. I didn’t start blogging to earn money. I didn’t start a blog because I thought I was some major undiscovered writing talent. I started a blog because I wanted a place to unload the crap floating around in my head.

Sure, there have been times that ad revenue could have come in handy. You know, like when life took a dump on me last year.

The truth is – I don’t have the sort of traffic that big bloggers have. I don’t update regularly. I don’t write about anything with any consistency. Or, if I do, it’s about the little things in life that are important only to me. I could be a cut and paste blogger, but I wouldn’t feel very good about it. The big guys can do that and get away with it. I can’t. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.

I don’t really have a point other than to be one more person jumping on the “I’m Not Jumping On That Bandwagon” bandwagon (as if that makes any sense.)

If I need money, I’ll whine about it to friends and then maybe come crawling back here with my hat in my hands if the situation gets desperate. Otherwise, I think I’ll just keep to myself and curl up with the last shreds of my dignity and all my silly dreams. I’ll let the big bloggers make money off whatever they possibly can.

Of course, if you want to pretend I have ads and pay me lots of money to do absolutely nothing, you’re welcome to do so. You can hit the old PayPal account or go fishing around Amazon for presents. But, beware….I want lots of stuff…all of it expensive.


  1. I second your opinion. The sole purpose of me having one is just to prove to myself that I could be web-savvy enough (on my pathetic level of web-based understanding) to put on on my blog. But I have never received a donation, nor have I expected to. My blog was to ease my brain of useless crap and to vent…not to earn money.

    That said, I am not opposed to other’s earning money from their blogs. But for me to place ads and sell myself to earn a buck, no thanks, I will pass. Luckily, I haven’t been hit up by PJ Media to prostitute my blog.

    Comment by Dana — 2005/05/05 @ 19:29

  2. Perhaps you should join the coalition of unpaid bloggers: http://www.ericsiegmund.com/fireant/archivesmt/001378.html

    I’d also note that I was working on a similar idea last year: http://www.arguewithsigns.net/archives/2005/05/05/how_we_almost_came_up_with_the_next_big_thing/ but it was far less about the money and more about getting people who were interested to a larger audience.

    I certainly respect the stance you’re taking, however. It’s not like I’ve made anything off my lame attempts at running ads. :-)

    Comment by bryan — 2005/05/05 @ 19:44

  3. If I can make a few bucks from an ad or two, that’s cool. I’m not expecting a fortune, or even anything at this point. So I’ll see how the PJ thing goes. The money I made from my absinthe referral sale is allowing me to upgrade MT, so I’m thrilled. No way I could justify spending that sort of money otherwise.

    Comment by Ith — 2005/05/05 @ 20:26

  4. There is no shame in putting google ads or BlogAds on your site. Of course I realize — I failed you horribly in trying to get your archives imported — and it would be my task to add the code to your site…

    But that is something I *could* handle.

    Comment by Moxie — 2005/05/06 @ 04:30

  5. Yup, Yup, Yup!

    What she said. (Why repeat what others say better?) Especially this part: Of course, if you want to pretend I have ads and pay me lots of money to do absolutely nothing, you’re welcome to do so. You can hit…

    Comment by JimSpot — 2005/05/06 @ 10:22

  6. I don’t really mind ads (obviously, I have them on my site)….as long as they’re not those flashing, tricky, pop up, annoying, in your face ads. As long as the ads are subtle, and go with the content….I’m fine with it. Any trickle of money helps. And trust me…it’s a trickle! (But then again, I’m not one of the big guns!)

    Comment by Dogsdontpurr — 2005/05/06 @ 19:51

  7. I’m with you. I’m not paying for my bandwidth, so I don’t feel the need to fund it. I’m not against lovely gifts, but I freaking hate ads.

    Comment by caltechgirl — 2005/05/07 @ 10:36

  8. Pajama Media is Tired

    Mox, HogOnIce and Da Goddess have been spanking the Pajama Media, consortia of MSM wannabes who seem to be drooling at the thought of ad revenue.

    Pajama Media is already tired. But even if they let me in, I couldn’t talk about it.

    Contact me whe…

    Comment by Aaron's cc: — 2005/05/08 @ 22:11

  9. I think the PJ ensemble is all about claiming and forming an alternative network, with some revenue thrown in…If you notice:: the main fellows are from the 1960’s era generation, and I distinctly remember that mindset. “we will MAKE IT ours” .

    Comment by zigzag — 2005/05/22 @ 20:55

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