
Note to Self #81,294,012

DaGoddess @ 05:11

Just because the lighting at a venue isn’t exactly as you wish doesn’t mean you need to shoot 1,100+ frames in the hopes that you’ll get one or two images you like.

At some point, you WILL have to sort through those and choose some to edit.

Dumbshit move on my part.

Subnote #81,294,012.a: Writing notes to yourself at 5am in pretty pathetic.
Subnote #81,294,012.b: Posting something on Facebook about their shitty free interface isn’t going to make it work any better.
Subnote #81,294,012.c: Better send thank you notes to the band for heading out onto the Strip after their gig at 0100 to indulge in a crazy idea you had.


  1. Holy moly! This is the woman who told me to shoot only 5 frames of something at a time?

    Yes, I know it’s different for pros, but…

    Crazy idea? Did you get pictures? Oh, look who I’m asking… ;)

    Comment by Pam — 2010/06/07 @ 09:07

  2. Yes, I usually only try to shoot a couple frames and then move on, but the lighting was sooooooo weird. I mean, this is a world class venue and yet they couldn’t light the singer’s face…but they could totally light his navel. And they used too much fucking red lighting!

    Yes, I got a couple photos. But I’ve not really done anything with them yet.

    Comment by DaGoddess — 2010/06/07 @ 09:34

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