
Little Bunny Foo Foo & the Easter Bunny Totally Need to Get Down and Get Funky

DaGoddess @ 04:00

According to the Diego Zoo’s Conservation Research program, not all bunnies multiply like, well, bunnies. Apparently there are two species with numbers so low, they’re facing extinction.

Another endangered species, the volcano rabbit, survives in just three discontinuous areas near Mexico City with a total population of ~1,000.

But that’s not the worst news. Not by a long shot.

In the United States, pygmy rabbits are found only in the Columbia Basin, Columbia Plateau, and Great Basin, and only 30 are believed to remain in the wild, with an additional 81 remaining in captivity in non self-sustaining populations.

Don’t tell the kids. Just buy more candy and let the bunnies save their energy for more important tasks, if you know what I mean. (Oh no! I just channeled Norm McDonald and freaked myself out.)


  1. Bet they’re tasty…

    Comment by rob sama — 2009/04/06 @ 05:38

  2. Have you ever seen bunny procreation? If they made a movie of it, it would be “The Fast and the Furious”. Maybe they should show rabbit pR0n to those ‘slow’ bunnies.

    (And no, I’m not saying why or how I know!)

    Comment by Mrs. Who — 2009/04/06 @ 08:11

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