
Keys to Her Heart

DaGoddess @ 04:00

My daughter has a gigantic keychain. She left it in the trunk of the car a couple weeks ago when we went to the Children’s Museum. It took a while for it to get back to her, but it did find its way home. I spent a long time looking at it, studying the items she had on there besides the five keys (five keys, five hundred keychain ornaments), and it was like getting a glimpse of something special and precious, which she is.

I’m so grateful for the time we can spend together. I know she’s busy. I know she has a life. But it’s nice to have those moments.

Mojo's Keychain - it sparkles just like she does


  1. I think key chains are interesting; sort of gives one a peek into the owner’s life. ;)

    Comment by pamibe — 2009/04/06 @ 05:34

  2. Well, Little Miss Mojo has a new one to add to her collection now.

    Comment by DaGoddess — 2009/04/06 @ 18:26

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