
Beautiful Day

DaGoddess @ 05:09

Yesterday was a fantastic day! One of the blues society’s Blues in the School bands performed down at the Children’s Museum and I went to shoot. Not only did my friend Patty come along, but Little Dude was there, and so was Mojo!

LD was as excited as I was about Mojo being a part of our day and he could hardly wait to get out the door.

Mojo’s pretty much back to her old self again, which is a huge relief. She looked gorgeous as she usually does. I’m always surprised when I see her because it’s hard for me to believe I could have created such a beautiful young lady.

Anyhow, we went, we had fun, we had food, and that was about it.

There was something weird that happened though. Now, I hadn’t talked with Mojo in the morning. LD had called to over to talk with her while I was getting ready. So, it was rather curious that when we went to pick her up that she and I both had on pink tops and had both chosen yellow sweaters/sweatshirts. Odd.

Also kind of strange was LD. He kept drifting off, away from either his sister or from the group as a whole. (While Patty and I were shooting, the kids went off to create and play and hang out.) When we were all back in a group, LD just couldn’t seem to focus. And I also realized that I was nervous whenever I didn’t have everyone all grouped up. I had to see everyone to feel “right”, as if out of sight was a moment away from disaster. I’m not usually like this. What’s up with that?

In the end, it was a great day and I loved having both kids with me, just hanging out. I got to listen to them talk with each other and I got to talk with them both at the same time. It gave me the warm fuzzies and I have to admit, I like my kids!

Photos at some point. Still working on Phoenix pics at this point. And now I’m fighting a sinus thing at the same time. (Pool may be out for the day, depending on how I feel when I wake up…again.)


  1. Sounds like an awesome day! The fact that you wore the same colors…? Classic. Mojo is her mother’s daughter. :)

    Comment by Pam — 2009/03/09 @ 06:31

  2. Have you read Gavin De Becker’s book The Gift of Fear? I wonder if you were having one of those moments?

    I love hanging out with my kids better than anything on Earth. (My husband too. Heh.)

    Comment by Cheri @ Blog This Mom! — 2009/03/09 @ 15:09

  3. Haven’t read that book, but it sounds interesting.

    It’s such a rare and special treat to have Mojo a part of our activities, I just relished every moment she was around. It was so wonderful. And I loved listening to her and LD talking in the back of the car while we drove. It was so cute.

    Kids are such special gifts. I wish Mojo were with me all the time, but that’s not how things are and I’ll take whatever moments I get, enjoying them fully.

    Comment by DaGoddess — 2009/03/09 @ 16:56

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