
Update on Mikey

DaGoddess @ 13:28

I haven’t been posting all the updates I’ve been getting on lately because there have been just a few and most of them have said much the same thing. But I figured it was time to pass along word that Mikey, while still in the hospital, is really coming along.

From his wife’s email:

Ok, it’s been a while since I have sent out an update…sorry! It’s been a little crazy around here. First, I have to apologize to everyone…I did not get out our Christmas cards to everyone even though my wonderful dad went out and got them for me. Again, way too crazy around here!

As for Mikey, he’s been doing pretty well. He is still in the hospital and it looks like it will be a little while still. I spoke to the care manager this week and she said that he is still progressing very well but he needs a little more time before they can let him go. Even when they release him it will not be to come home; he will be transferred to a long term care facility for an unknown amount of time. While Mini-Mikey and I are truly bummed by this it’s what is best for his recovery. He is pretty clear headed but still has moments of confusion, no delusions though thank goodness. He does understand what has happened and seems to be dealing with it fairly well. He does not seem ready for visitors other than Mini-Mikey and I. He is still in some pain and is pretty well medicated most of the time. He also is very, very tired from all of this; he is sleeping most of the time. This is good for his recovery but he says he feels like a bum. The hospital has him working with an occupational and physical therapist daily to help him regain his strength and ability to do day to day things for himself. He was actually able to take a lap around the hospital floor this morning but then he was exhausted and slept most of the rest of the day. All in all he is doing very well, as the doctor told me yesterday he is an absolute miracle for surviving all this. I would have to agree with her on that one! Well that’s all for this time but before I go Mikey asked me to tell all of you that he says hi and thank you all once again for helping us all out. He is especially thankful for all of the prayers and love that has been sent his way!!

All three of us want to wish all of you a very merry Christmas and may all of you be blessed with your own holiday miracle as we have been! We love all of you very, very much!

When you think about it, all our problems seem so insignificant compared to what Mike and his family have gone through. Please say an extra Christmas prayer for them and then go hug your loved ones, grateful that they’re with you right now.

Update: Just a few minutes ago, I got another email.

I have some wonderful news today….I just got off the phone with the hospital and they are working on getting Mike into a Skilled Nursing Facility. He will be transferred possibly today, tomorrow, or Friday. His doctors took him off of the IV antibiotics today and they have cleared him for release. YAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! This is a huge step forward!!!

There truly are Christmas miracles in this crazy world!!!


  1. I’m so glad he’s progressing as well as he is! Extra prayers going up for Mikey and his family. :hug:

    Comment by pam — 2008/12/24 @ 14:52

  2. Thank you, Pam! They certainly deserve some good news and a happy ending/beginning for a change. And your prayers help!

    Comment by DaGoddess — 2008/12/24 @ 17:36

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