
Abandonment Issues

DaGoddess @ 15:39

I haven’t left you, children. Goodness, no. I’ve just been…me.

Really, I’ve been trying to get a few things going around here and GASP! I actually left the house on Friday to go somewhere other than the hospital or the doctor’s office. That’s right, I went out into the world simply because I could. It was wonderful, too.

What did I do? Well, my mom came to pick me up, then we picked up Little Dude from school, went over to Mom’s house, started to make dinner (LD even helped), talked, laughed, ate, and then helped my mom put up her “apartment” Christmas tree. While she worked on dishes (“I can do these myself”), LD and I straightened the branches on the tree. Sadly, we didn’t get to do any ornaments because my mom was worn out, hurting, and had to bring us home. We did, however, have a great time with her. And it was the first time having LD back home since the week of Thanksgiving. (I didn’t have him here at all while I was feeling so horribly.)

Saturday, LD slept in, as did I. When we got up, we decided it was too chilly to do much, so we declared it movie day. And that’s what we did all day long until his dad picked him up.

Saturday afternoon, the rain started. Yesterday was mostly dry. And today? I think that’s an ark on the horizon. I’ll have to get my long lens out to verify it, but I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m seeing.

I missed out on a couple things I wanted to do this weekend, sadly. I’m okay with it, though. I had a couple “issues”, so it was better I stayed here.

Oh, get this!

I called my sister yesterday to wish her a happy birthday (and before I forget, Happy Birthday, Tim Conway!) and she and I began to talk. Silly me, I never thought to ask her about some of the symptoms I was having post-op. My sister’s been down this road and then some. Well, she offered up that perhaps what I had been feeling (with all that chest pressure, dyspnea, etc.) was a type of muscle spasm. Helloooooo! Brilliant! That actually made quite a bit of sense when I stopped and thought about it. After all the stress of surgery, there has to be some sort of rebound with muscles and nerves. There always is. And that’s why I’d experienced it before and why it went away. Why it came back. And why it went away again. Of course, yes, it’s best to rule out PEs and other issues, but that makes absolutely perfect sense. Suddenly I was breathing even easier than I had been. D’oh!

Which brings me to this: yes, I am feeling better. The pressure in my chest had been easing last week and I’m feeling pretty good. Even with the cold weather and all, I’m feeling a bit spry. In fact, that’s what I told the home health nurse who came out for the first visit today. I hated that we had nothing to do. My big walk that I wanted to take was cancelled by the incessant downpour. So, the nurse and I did the dishes, made a list of errands for tomorrow, and then just sat and talked. She’s really quite nice, even though this is likely to be the most boring and unnecessary assignment she’ll ever get (until the rain clears).

Let’s see, what else? I guess that’s about it for now. I’m debating about whether or not to share a story with y’all. It’s funny, tragic, funny, tragic, funny, and a little graphic. Not sure. Should I?? Aside from LD, she’s the only other person who knows and can help me gauge the appropriateness of the tale. Thus, I leave it up to her.

I’ll be back later. Gotta go gather a few pairs of animals.


  1. Um… I don’t know. I thought it was hilarious, but then I have the sensibilities of a 12 year old boy.

    Then again, it was also painful, so there’s that. Sharing pain is always good. Get rid of the cosmic negativity thing, shake it off, pass it on for goodness sake!

    That’s my noncommittal opinion. Heck, I could be an attorney. :biggrin:

    Comment by pam — 2008/12/15 @ 16:22

  2. Oh sure, be a brat and be “helpful” in your neutrality. Lotta good that does me. :box:

    Comment by DaGoddess — 2008/12/15 @ 16:54

  3. I am SO glad to hear you sounding so upbeat! Great that you’re feeling better, but don’t over due.

    Nice that you and LD had some quality time together too…

    Comment by CSquaredplus3 — 2008/12/15 @ 17:51

  4. A little sugar never hurts, either!

    Comment by jan — 2008/12/15 @ 18:27

  5. Please feel better.

    Comment by Last Place Finisher — 2008/12/15 @ 18:32

  6. next thing y’know you’ll be taking non-injury photos – as I’ve been doing and uploading.

    Good to hear good. Glad you had Q LD time.

    Comment by Temple Stark — 2008/12/15 @ 18:41

  7. yay! she’s back! Hi hon. Nice to hear from YOU again :yay:

    Comment by caltechgirl — 2008/12/15 @ 19:26

  8. Non-injury photos are still a long way off. But I am working on getting out for more photos. If it ever stops raining, I might just meet that goal!

    Comment by DaGoddess — 2008/12/15 @ 22:03

  9. Take photos of the rain. Take photos of the rain on the windows. Open the window and take photos of the puddles on the floor. Photograph the nurse. Photograph the nurse mopping puddles.

    Hey– teach the nurse about photography.

    There, I knew I’d come up with something ;)

    I’m glad you’re starting to feel better, that’s for sure.

    Comment by Lloyd — 2008/12/15 @ 22:29

  10. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better and that you were able to venture out for non-medical related reasons.

    Comment by Renée aka Mekhismom — 2008/12/16 @ 04:19

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