
Two-fer Tuesday

DaGoddess @ 04:00

Now, listen carefully: I don’t like Shania Twain. Or rather, I hated what she became. That super polished and fashion-y poser. The songs below? A look at how good she once was. The second video is one of my early favorites from CMT.

I understand the desire to capitalize on whatever gifts one has been given, but to bank so heavily on looks rather than substance, well, it rubs me the wrong way. Especially because Shania possesses a great deal of talent. Yes, she reached a whole new level of fame and was able to make great money, however there were many people who turned away because they couldn’t just enjoy the music without having all that Twain-ness constantly rubbed in their faces. I was one of those people. Sure, there were a couple songs here and there that I could listen to and separate from her, mostly after I stopped watching any sort of music TV or country awards shows.

Instead of dwelling on the negative, I’ve decided to embrace what I liked most about Shania Twain in the first place.


Two-fer Tuesday

DaGoddess @ 04:00

How about some Shelby Lynne?


Two-fer Tuesday

DaGoddess @ 04:00

Continuing with the ladies.

Bonus cut:


Two-fer Tuesdays

DaGoddess @ 04:00

Time to let hit up the ladies for some song. We’ll start with one of my favorites.

I have so many stories to go with Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac. If I start, I’ll never stop, so we’ll just go with the music today.


Two-fer Tuesday

DaGoddess @ 04:00

Pull yer red hair back into a couple long braids, grab a bandanna, a guitar, and tear up your tax forms! It’s Willie Nelson Day!

For those of you playing along at home, you’ll recall my musical choices with my parents. For those new to the game, every morning before school, the stereo would go on. Music was something we all enjoyed. However, we didn’t always agree on what would be considered “music”. Chuck Mangione. Herb Alpert. Linda Ronstadt. Or Willie Nelson. If my dad, who mostly worked nights, didn’t want to hear “that God-awful screeching from that damn Linda Ronstadt”, we’d invariably vote for Willie Nelson. I still like him.

No bonus this week. I’m saving up.


Two-fer Tuesday

DaGoddess @ 04:00

Some days are Diamond, some days are stone. Today’s a Diamond day. Neil, that is. One of the few artists in my parents’ record collection that I could listen to all day. Well, not so much always back then (I had to protest, it was my sworn duty as a difficult child!), but as I matured I appreciated Neil Diamond more and more. By the time I was a teenager, I would eagerly anticipate any of the following choices: Diamond, Willie Nelson, Linda Ronstadt, or David Soul. Anything was better than non-stop Chuck Mangione (my apologies to all of Arlen) or Herb Alpert.

Anyway, now that I’m more than a teenager, I’ve developed an almost unhealthy love for Neil Diamond and this means you get to be a part of my twisted little world.

Did you know the following song was the inspiration for the Romantics’ “What I Like About You”? It was. Indeed. Did you also know that Neil Diamond is still not in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame? True story.

Bonus video. And quick aside: I’m a die hard Monkees fan. Yes, I am. Now you know.


Two-fer Tuesday

DaGoddess @ 04:00

I’ve gone country. Look at them boots! (Alan Jackson fans are groaning. I apologize.)

I hate to go the obvious route. It’s so easily avoided if you put in just a teeny bit of effort.

This week, we’re going with two men named Tracy. Tracy Lawrence and Tracy Byrd. Both excellent. Neither a major player in today’s version of country. I kind of like it that way. You get a double dose of the Two-fer this time around. No big stories. Nothing. Just music, baby.

Okay, maybe one really quick story. The last video resembles how some of my Saturday nights used to go back when I really was country. After hours parties at Cheryl’s, or Ed and Tater’s, or over at Don and Donna’s. Or some broken down place up the road. Didn’t matter. Whatever fun we were havin’ at the bar was carried on back to wherever. Booze flowed, guitars were played, and everyone sang and danced. On more than one occasion someone’s pool or hot tub filled with near-naked or totally naked people splashing around. And someone was always caught in a back room with someone they shouldn’t have been with. Thing was, somehow or another, the party continued.

See? Not such a long story after all. And now without further ado, here’s this week’s selections.

Tracy Lawrence:

Tracy Byrd:


Two-fer Tuesday

DaGoddess @ 04:00

This week we take a look at the Great Albino Blues Invasion. No, that’s not mean or insensitve. I’m just stating the obvious.

Let’s begin with Johnny Winter, shall we?

Johnny’s first album for Columbia Records drew the largest advance in the history of the recording industry — a reported $600,000. For many blues artists, this didn’t sit well. Some white guy (some REALLY white white guy) was drawing this incredible amount of money for playing the music they’d created through their blood and sweat equity. It didn’t matter that blues legends Willie Dixon and Big Walter Horton recorded a track for the album. People were unhappy. One of the more vocal critics was Muddy Waters, a man Johnny considered a hero. However, in 1977, Winter finally got a chance to work with the one man he always lauded in concert. Johnny produced the very successful Hard Again for Muddy, followed by I’m Ready and King Bee. Muddy himself acknowledged Winter “…had done remarkable work in reproducing the sound and atmosphere of Waters’ vintage Chess Records recordings of the 1950s. The albums gave Waters the highest profile and greatest financial successes of his life.” Winter had done right by the man who influenced him. He’s been playing professionally for over 50 years and I can tell you from personal experience, the man still brings it.

Next up is Malford Milligan.

Milligan, probably best known for his stint with Storyville, which formed in 1994, his range is rather astounding. Not content to be categorized as a bluesman, he brings his talents to gospel, soul, rock, country, and whatever else you got for him. Malford’s voice is perfect. I’d listen to him read the phone book if given the chance.

Bonus video:


Two-fer Tuesday

DaGoddess @ 04:00

Goin’ back, baby. Way back.

No portents of doom today. Just a kick ass song. (Sorry, Dan*)

And just to prove that it’s all good**:

P.S. The best version of ” Coming” is unavailable for embedding. Go check it out.

* Dan Rydell from Sports Night. Season 1, episode 13.

** Unless you watch Lost, in which case even the best moments and songs turn to shit because something ominous always lies in wait. I don’t believe that for a second though, mostly because I’m not a survivor on some spooky, crazy island. (And mainly because I stopped watching last year when ABC decided to put the show on against a bunch of other shows I was watching. Seriously, what’s up with that? I figure I’ll catch last season and this final season in the future. Or is it the past?) Instead, I tend to think of Shambala in terms of Tippi Hedren. And yes, working there would be amongst my fondest dreams.


Two-fer Tuesday II

DaGoddess @ 13:00

It’s party time here! Yes, as an extra special bonus, we’re rollin’ out even more music and more fun because “we” (I have a mouse in my pocket, apparently) just wanna have fun.

Party on, Wayne! Party on, Garth!

Two-fer Tuesday

DaGoddess @ 10:00

I sent this video out to a few people already (I have a copy on my hard drive), so they’ll not be surprised to see it here. What may surprise most, though, is that Tommy Shaw is one of my favorite musicians ever. Doesn’t hurt that my nickname in high school was “Tommy”. I can hear you asking why already. How’s this? We both had the same hairstyle back then. (My friend Maria was called “Freddie” because she looked like Freddie Mercury, so I think I got the better end of that deal, don’t you?)

Anyhow, forget hair and all that crap. The music was and is good. They still rock. And that’s that.

And I know many of you are surprised that I’d go with Styx on my birthday, but hey, I’m in a mood. I could actually post 22 videos from them and still have more in the wings. C’mon, who doesn’t like this band? Or rather, who doesn’t have some sort of Styx memory?

Check out that growl at the end!

And because it IS my birthday, here’s a bonus vid.

I’m such a sucker for that acoustic guitar amongst all the technology. Great combo!


Two-fer Tuesday

DaGoddess @ 06:00

Here’s a pair of tunes by the incredibly awesome Colin Hay (of Men at Work fame). Listen to the lyrics on the first tune. His phrasing makes me smile. And the second song is just amazing.

Now, please go have a great day!