Two-fer Tuesday
Goin’ back, baby. Way back.
No portents of doom today. Just a kick ass song. (Sorry, Dan*)
And just to prove that it’s all good**:
P.S. The best version of ” Coming” is unavailable for embedding. Go check it out.
* Dan Rydell from Sports Night. Season 1, episode 13.
** Unless you watch Lost, in which case even the best moments and songs turn to shit because something ominous always lies in wait. I don’t believe that for a second though, mostly because I’m not a survivor on some spooky, crazy island. (And mainly because I stopped watching last year when ABC decided to put the show on against a bunch of other shows I was watching. Seriously, what’s up with that? I figure I’ll catch last season and this final season in the future. Or is it the past?) Instead, I tend to think of Shambala in terms of Tippi Hedren. And yes, working there would be amongst my fondest dreams.
Welcome home! :nana:
Shambala is just… :nana:
…and one more… :nana:
Comment by Pam — 2010/05/25 @ 07:36
:shock: Oh, great. Now I’ll have “Shambala” stuck in my head for the rest of the week… :shock:
Comment by Omnibus Driver — 2010/05/25 @ 11:17
Leslie, there are worse fates. C’mon, it’s a good song!
And Pam, I know, huh?
:nana: :nana: :nana:
Comment by DaGoddess — 2010/05/25 @ 12:10
Try A Little Tenderness is the Three Dog Night song that rocks my world. This is a lip sync of the studio recording from an old TV program, but I like it better than the live versions I found on youtube. Turn it up!!! :yay:
Comment by Stu — 2010/05/25 @ 15:26