
Happiness Running High

Da Goddess @ 01:13

Just enjoying every moment right now.

Getting to spend time with Little Dude and my dad. Hearing stories I’ve never heard before. Finding out things about my family I never knew. LD benefits as well, as he discovers his dad’s side of the family isn’t the only one that has history of interest.

Texted a bit with Mojo. Talked with my mom. Mom’s sick. Mojo’s busy. We’ll all catch up rather soon. I’m good with letting them set the pace.

LD and I went to a play on Sunday and enjoyed ourselves immensely. Our friend sang and I was stunned by her gorgeous voice and her ability to play guitar. I knew she did both, but had never heard either. I got chills. Many of the performers in the cast either played or learned to play an instrument (or two) for the show. IMPRESSIVE! I gotta get me some of that talent!

Dropped off a resume yesterday. Go in for an interview today.

My dad’s bird hasn’t killed me yet. In fact, he seems to grow fonder of me by the moment. He entertains himself by jumping onto my head while I’m on the toilet. It’s funny. I swear, it is. And now he lets me sit on his head while he’s on the toilet. Okay, maybe that last part is made up.

In the meantime, if you’re feeling happy and generous and want to make a donation to my “Gotta Get Dad Eating Better Food” mission, I’m be thrilled. If not, that’s cool, too.


Home, to Stay

Da Goddess @ 00:13

Back where I belong!


Home, where my thought’s escaping
Home, where my music’s playing
Home, where my love lies waiting
Silently for me


Because I’m a Mousekedoer

Da Goddess @ 23:38

Unless you are subjected to countless hours of preschool programming, that title may not make sense. Just know that I’m DOING SOMETHING.



Time Machine!

Da Goddess @ 02:08

Returning us to one evening back in 2009


San Diego is Cool and Other Fun Stories

Da Goddess @ 01:32

Seriously, SD is cool right now. Temperature-wise. Tomorrow (errrrr, today) we might get rain. I’m up for that! Nice break from the heat in Vegas!

So, that out of the way, let’s get to the update about my mom: Very long day today, but it was worth it. My mom’s doc is pleased with her improvement and now we start moving toward a thyroid lesion biopsy (a new fun thing!), a very likely surgery to remove part of her stomach (the erosive portion is focalized and can be excised), her kidneys aren’t trying to shut down anymore, and she had more blood drawn. After all that (!!!) we stopped in a cancer society resale shop where my sister volunteers. My mom got excited to see friends and ooh and aah over merch. A walk thru drug store was just as fun. Got home, she napped, I ran errands, cleaned house, and am now going to bed. We’ve all earned our rest tonight. Please keep praying! Thanks!

Purchased at the American Cancer Society Discovery Store: 1) 1 long sleeve t-shirt for my mom for $3.60. 2) 1 hardback book I’ve wanted to read for a while for $2.70. Bonus, I can get through the book in two days and leave it for my mom and sister to read after me. 3) 1 birthday card for my mom’s July birthday $0.22. Then my mom found a GREAT necklace for $6 and my sister bought it for her. Made my mom very happy.

I’m really, truly going to bed now. I’m pooped.


Update on Mom

Da Goddess @ 00:25

She’s been given two more units of blood, had a chest xray, an echocardiogram (major blood loss can cause serious dysrrhythmias and other issues), her endoscopy, more blood tests, and she’s mad that she has to stay at least one more night. I’m just glad she’s at a great hospital (the one I worked at and have been a patient at) with great care providers all around.

Please continue praying for her. Mom has a lot more healing to do!

Thank you so much for all the prayers you’ve sent her way already, they mean the world to us!


Protected: Things I Desperately Want to Say

Da Goddess @ 23:59

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If LD Were Photographed By Terry Richardson

DaGoddess @ 01:44

He wasn’t. I did this. Last summer. In a very Richardson-esque manner.

Richardson-esque depiction of Little Dude

Really enjoying my time here in San Diego. I’ve seen Mad Mikey and the whole MM Family, a photographer or two, our dear, dear friends C&R…and have plans to catch up with others before I have to hit the road again.

Got a freaky story to tell, but that’s for later when I have a better internet connection.


Mama I’m Comin’ Home

DaGoddess @ 02:40

Made it to my mom’s. Warm and welcoming. I’m home!


Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

DaGoddess @ 01:00

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

The above image was created using a photograph I made from stage lighting at the Las Vegas Hilton during a concert. I converted the blue lights first to green and then to red, flipping the green layer upside down. I then made the top layer about 50% opaque so you could see both. A quick run through the kaleidoscope effect and suddenly it looked a lot like Christmas! All sorts of fancy fonts were tried, but I really love my basic Walkway Ultra Bold. The sig was Pea Jenny Script.

And there you have it: my 2010 Christmas card.

What you can’t see is how many names and faces floated around in my head and heart while I was making it. I won’t even begin to try to name names. You’re all special to me. You know who you are and you are always in my thoughts and in my heart and prayers. Thank you for making this year so blessed. I love you all!


I Done Raised Her Well

DaGoddess @ 18:42

My mom called a while ago, excited to tell me she was hanging a lot of her own paintings in the spare room since my sis and bro-in-law painted the walls for her. Long story behind the wall thing. Anyhow, she was very happy to be hanging her own work for a change and I’m glad she is. Her work is beautiful.

The other thing she was all excited about was that she’d taped a special on PBS: Albert King and Stevie Ray Vaughan In Session. She’s been playing it over and over again while she worked on restoring her spare room.

And then I told her about one of the artists I know she likes coming to San Diego in January. She’d said she would like to see him perform sometime. I’m gonna hook her up with tickets and she was actually even more excited when I said that. It’s happening on my dad’s birthday, so maybe they’ll both go. Looks like their Christmas gifts will be some ear protection.

Cracks me up. I mean, who’da thunk it? I’m scoring tickets for a blues rocker for my mom! Gotta love having a cool ass parent like that. Mind you, she’s 75 and she’s still kickin’ ass.

Damn, I raised my mama well! Only possible because she raised me well.



DaGoddess @ 23:44

I am home.

Which is so weird, because I should be missing San Diego. And I do. Mostly the kids and my folks. But you know what? Vegas is home now. Absolutely. For real. I am home.

I loved spending time with the kids. Mojo is doing well and has some stuff to finish up so she can (fingers crossed) get into college mid-term. She’s working hard at Burger King. Got a cute photo on the old cellphone of her in uniform. It’s my wallpaper. Little Dude hasn’t grown too much since last month, thank God! His hair has, though.

Both my mom and dad are doing okay. It was good to see them, too.

Mostly, mostly…I’m just really happy to have had the time to do this and to be able to introduce both my mom and dad to MOBD so they know I’m really, truly safe and happy. Proof that I’m not living with crazy people.

I also got a few things from storage. Mostly kitchen stuff, my mandolin, and CDs. I wanted to get towels and sheets, but there wasn’t enough room in the car. Oh well, I’ll just keep washing the same stuff over and over again until it falls apart or until I can get back to SD and get more things for the house.

So yeah, I’m home again and it 1) feels good, and 2) feels even better to have some of MY STUFF here with me.

Shower and bed for this girl. I’ve earned it.

(P.S. Just as we hit the edge of Vegas, my friends’ song came on XM/Sirius radio. We just saw them on Thursday and it was the perfect ending to a good trip.)


My Bags Are Packed…

DaGoddess @ 02:20

I’m ready to go.

I’ll be in San Diego by this afternoon.

There’s a CD release party.

There are kids.

There are my parents.

And there is a little bitty ocean waiting for me.



DaGoddess @ 17:28

San Diego just got hit. LD and I are emailing back and forth. This is the sum total of our conversation:

LD: we just had a BIG earth quake right now
Me: No way. Are you okay? Anything fall? Anything crack?
LD: Yes way, yes, no, dont know.
Me: Go look for cracks. Start in the bathroom. You have to stand with your back to the mirror though, pull down your pants…
LD: lol

I’m so glad my son is as weird as I am.


San Diego Girl Missing

DaGoddess @ 14:49

A 17-year old girl named Chelsea King went out for a run yesterday and is now missing. Please read the articles and call authorities if you have seen anything or have any information. More photos and description available on the PUSD website.