
I Love Little Old Men

DaGoddess @ 09:20

Especially little old bluesmen.

I just got a call from one. Like right now. He was flirtin’ with me from the get-go. Offering to take me on a cruise. (Second time I’ve had that offer this year…why oh why don’t I have my damn passport already??) Anyhow, after I get some sleep, I’ll call him back and we’ll go meet to look through photos I took of him playing a few songs with the band. We’ll flirt plenty back and forth, I’m sure.

And with any luck, I’ll have a wonderful new friend who can show me Vegas through historic eyes.

P.S. I knew I had this guy. He was making eyes at me from the stage, mugging for the camera. Not just anyone’s….mine. And then when we were talking later, he kept trying to look down my shirt. Old or not, he has the spark.


I Don’t Have a Title

DaGoddess @ 04:00

I don’t know how to even begin titling this. I don’t even know exactly what to say. But really? An bank robber on oxygen eludes everyone? Seriously?

Maybe there’s hope for me yet. I’m not exactly old, but I bet I move a little quicker than this guy.



DaGoddess @ 23:19

Today was an extremely long day. Had an appt. with the doctor who does my rating for the insurance company. The appointment should have taken an hour. It took lots longer than that.

Bottom line: he says I’ll need lifetime medical with my settlement. That was sort of a shocker. As was the news that there may already be some degeneration above my cervical fusion. That was cause for pause. It shouldn’t be happening.

Had a long talk with my dad today (he was the one who drove me to my appointment). Interesting. Don’t know that it got me anywhere, but his input was greatly appreciated and it was nice to spend time with him.

In other news, my hair is way too long, I’ve decided. It seems like it grew three inches overnight. Don’t know how that happened, but it’s bothersome.

Hmm, what else? Oh yeah, Merriman was placed under citizen’s arrest by fame whore Tila Tequila. Normally I wouldn’t comment on this, but it did make me stop to think a bit. So here’s the thing:

Shawne, you’re supposed to be one of the good guys. No matter what, you NEVER EVER touch a woman or try to restrain her, even if it’s supposedly for her benefit. If she’s drunk and trying to drive, do yourself a favor and call the cops. Also, don’t date trashy women looking for fame. You’re young, handsome, and have a million options…you could do better. Maybe you thought a reality “star” could raise your profile a la Hank and Kendra, but you picked the wrong woman.

Both Tila and Shawne were tweeting up a storm after the incident. Enough! Shawne, you want to clear your name? Let the attorneys do it. Tila? You’ve had more than your fair share of that 15 minutes. Go away.

Tila claims she doesn’t drink because she’s allergic to alcohol and that the name “Tequila” is supposed to be ironic. I don’t call that ironic. Nothing about you is ironic. Cheap and pathetic, yeah. But not ironic. While she claims she wasn’t drinking, the sheriff said she had been. And there seems to be some sort of recorded history of her drinking. Huh, ya think her MTV show might come back and bite her in the ass on that one?

I once forbid all my friends from appearing on reality TV…Tila is a prime example of why you should all want to stay away from anything “reality” based. And this incident is just one more event in a string of increasingly disturbing events (think the reality show contestant who murdered his wife and then killed himself) involving reality “stars”.

You know, you get involved with bad people, shit happens, and your reputation might not ever recover. Did Merriman use poor judgment? Was there an actual assault? We can’t know for certain. We may never know. It’s suddenly a case of he said, she said and there’s no way for Shawne to walk away from this looking good. His date…poor choice. His actions, even if they weren’t intended to be violent, they still come off as aggressive. And if this was a case of violence, then for shame and there better be consequences…but we’ll never know for sure. How do you separate fact from fiction when you’re dealing with someone whose life seems to revolve around that which is superficial and meant solely to create publicity?

If there’s any moral to this last bit, I guess it’s that you should choose your company carefully and always err on the side of caution. And especially from a woman’s perspective, you should never drink so much that you aren’t in full control of your faculties. Always keep your wits about you. And if you have been drinking, call a cab.

As for what I personally think, hmm, she was drunk and she had no injuries according to the sheriff…enough of the fame whore drama already.

Look, I’ve seen women, children, and even men who have been choked, beaten, held and assaulted, etc. I don’t condone violence of any kind. But if this turns out to be a figment of some publicity-seeking idiot, it hurts every other case for those who really have been attacked. I have a hard time believing much of what this woman says, not because Merriman is a pro athlete (quite the contrary). No, I have a hard time believing her because of her antics on TV and off. It’s hard to sort fact from fiction when you’re dealing with someone who lives in a public fishbowl and does whatever it takes to get their name in the papers or on TV. Which means, if the story is true, it becomes an even stickier wicket. I’ve seen women who lived hard lives who were raped and beaten. Their cases are always much more difficult to prove because of the way they lived. Is that right? No. But it’s how it often goes. And there are those who file false charges, further mucking up the system and that makes it harder for those who truly have suffered.

I don’t think this is making sense the way I wish it did. All I know is that were there a shred of evidence that this story were true (either the sheriff noting bruising or some sort of evidence of physical harm, of which there was none), I’d be calling for some serious consequences for Merriman. But for now, there’s little more than some fame junkie making accusations that look pretty damn flimsy.

For true victims, I have the deepest sympathy. Somehow I don’t see this as being such a case. And yet, it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth because…it so easily could be.


Sandy Eggo

DaGoddess @ 04:00

Sandy Lion

Sandy Track

Sandy Rhino

Sandy Sand


Kelp Me! Kelp Me!

DaGoddess @ 04:00

Kelp on the Beach

For Fat Guy. “Pop!”


Coyotes are Out

DaGoddess @ 23:56

They’re howling and yipping as they are wont to do. Not sure what’s going on, but legend has it they’re most agitated when the spirits are active. The Kumeyaay have a long, rich history in this area. Perhaps their ancestors are busy with something.

That would explain the ghost critter running around the house, right?

Don’t laugh. We’re smack dab in the middle of Kumeyaay territory. Down the street is Ipai Waaypuk Trail — which leads to the Kumeyaay-Ipai Interpretive Center. Don’t ask me how you pronounce that.

We have a lot of interesting street names around here. Some I know the story of and others I just wonder about. Like Ipava. I know the story behind that one. Wanna take a guess on how it’s pronounced? Three guesses:

a) Ee-pah-vah
b) Eye-pay-vah
c) Qualcomm

Go ahead and guess.

Anyhow…weird tangent I got off on there, huh? Par for the course, I suppose.

The coyotes are out and talking up a storm. I wish I knew why.


Homecoming Outtakes II

DaGoddess @ 04:00

Just a few more shots I really liked.

Waiting for Mommy


Welcome Home



We’ll Always Have Pastrami

DaGoddess @ 04:00

Everything may be going to Hell in a handbasket here, but at least I have the memory of a recent perfect pastrami sandwich to buoy me.

Pastrami sandwich from DZ Akins

Really, truly…things have been bad here before, but never this bad. If I’m gone for a few, well, it’s because I’m trying desperately to find us a safe place to live.

If you need to get in touch with me for anything big, the cell phone’s the best bet, and those who need it, know it.



DaGoddess @ 04:00

We stood safely off at the far “edge” and watched as young man after young man jumped from the cliffs into the rocky water below. It was both thrilling and terrifying to watch. “No way are they doing that!” we said. But they were and they were having fun. We also knew it was only a matter of time until someone got hurt.

Did we stay and continue to watch, maybe witnessing the trainwreck that was bound to happen? Did we walk away and silently wish everyone well?

We chose to walk away, opting to watch the surfers for a bit instead. Eventually a couple girls walked passed and said, “we were just going to jump and some guy hit the rocks. No way were we gonna do it after that!”

Sunset Cliffs Divers

Sunset Cliffs Divers

Part of me is damn glad I’m old enough to know better and avoid certain acts of pure insanity.

But there is that part that misses the fearlessness of youth.

The pics aren’t nearly as great as the memories.


Look at the Stars, Look How They Shine for You Me

DaGoddess @ 02:00

Bring me Comic-Con Treats!Tron: Legacy is due out in 2010. I don’t know that I’m really up for a remake/sequel/prequel/tribute to Tron as it was for what it was and it was pretty damn awesome. It’s the sort of movie I can throw in the DVD player and watch with my son and we can both enjoy it. Yes, some of the special effects are dated, but the concept behind them, the stars for which they reached are apparent and make the movie work.

But that’s not the main reason I’m blogging this. No, I’m blogging because Jeff Bridges is in San Diego. Right now. For Comic Con. Hello! Has everyone forgotten my ruv for him? How did I not get invited to be his special assistant for the duration of his visit? How? HOoooooooooooooooooooow? (Almost a howl, isn’t it? It’s really that painful for me.)

Johnny Depp’s also in town. Same reason. Not the same movie, but for publicity for Alice in Wonderland, which appears to be very Mad Hatter-centric, which might make the movie interesting. Oh whatever. It’s JOHNNY DEPP. And for all you google bots: Johnny Depp Johnny Depp Johnny Depp Johnny Depp Johnny Depp Johnny Depp Johnny Depp Johnny Depp Johnny Depp Johnny Depp Johnny Depp Johnny Depp. There, I should be covered on traffic for JOHNNY DEPP AT COMIC-CON IN SAN DIEGO for the weekend. I’ll be too busy otherwise to blog much (and I’ve run out of advance posts — unless I race through something now and I’m not in a racy mood right now…race-ish…”racy” is almost a fatal character flaw of mine. You’ll see.)

Miguel Ferrer, Bill Mumy (always had the Robot giving him the “Danger Danger” speech), Ray “FREAKIN” Bradbury(!! “The Illustrated Man” turned my world upside down for two days), June Foray (“Rocky and Bullwinkle Show” — voiced Rocket J. Squirrel and Nastasha — I spent half my trip in Alaska doing a very bad Nastasha “Moose und Squirrel” bit [my deepest apologies to my guides]), Kathy Najimy, Butch Patrick (Eddie Munster), ELVIRA!!!!, and Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage are going to be there, too. Maybe, just maybe, Danny DeVito and Robert Downey Jr, will show up. Keith David’s going to be there for sure (for Coraline, but I love him mostly for Sgt. Kilgore in Delta Farce: Sgt. Kilgore: Now, Larry, I’m appointing you as acting Squad Leader. Don’t get too excited.You beat out a mongoloid and a candy-ass. How does one not adore such a man? He broke his back while filming Delta Farce, finished the scene, and then went the hospital. I totally love him.
Everette: [to Bill] He called you a candy-ass.)

Also in town are the fine folks from Burn Notice and Psych, two of my USA shows. That means Jeffrey Donovan, Gabrielle Anwar, BRUCE CAMPBELL (!!!!), James Roday, Dule Hill, possibly Corbin Bernsen will all be in town. C’mon, folks. You’re killing me. I have so much going on this weekend as it is and you bring some of my favorites to town…mere miles away from me and I’m expected to act sane? Jeff Bridges alone is enough to make me lose my shit. Anyone seen Starman? Seriously one of his best movies EVER. And then you add Johnny Depp and Bruce Campbell and it’s like a trifecta in my little world. It could only be made better with an appearance by Craig Ferguson. Or Drew Carey. Okay, so I have a southern Drew Carey-lite here. That’s beside the point.

I’m not there. I’m here. I have things to do. Which I’m doing. And enjoying a great deal (no complaints from me), but…the opportunity to add to my collection of…people…would be so nice.

OOOOOOOOOHHHHH! Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi — the genius minds behind the Spiderwick Chronicles will be there and they were amazingly talented storytellers and artists. I LOOOOOOVEE THEM!

So…Work with me people. If you go to Comic-Con and don’t bring me back one of the above mentioned perfect three, we may have to reconsider our friendship. (I’m willing to work out a timeshare deal, if that helps.)

I know they’re here for me, though. They’re wonderful for me. Because…I’d shine for them if given the chance. Honest, I would. And they’re all pretty cool about proactive shining. They shine for me.

(Guarantee that no matter how dorky that just read, it’s heaps better than the “we were young and amazing once” post that was crinkling around in a piece of paper in my head. Ad that could still show up anyway.)

Remember, if you’re at Comic-Con, bring me my darlings. Ooooooh! And if Jackie Earle Haley walks by you, scoop him up and put him in one of those gift bags and bring him along, too. Pretty please!

Oh…maybe next year. (If I keep saying it long enough, it’ll happen, right?)



DaGoddess @ 04:00

Tommy Price of the Stilettos

Tommy Price

Tommy Price


iHeartFaces – Week 28 – Feet

DaGoddess @ 07:29

And believe it or not, have an entry.

Tommy Price and the Stilettos

Thanks to Tommy Price and the Stilettos! Great music, cool evening, and an entry for IHF

And a bonus shot. Go check out the other entries.

Tommy and the Stilettos


At the Park (Revisited)

DaGoddess @ 22:45

This week’s Photo Friday, Favorite Spot, is quite simply: anywhere they are, but especially at the park.

Kids at the Park

Kids at the Park


Must’ve Been the Heat

DaGoddess @ 20:12

I have a killer headache. I had one yesterday, too. I think it’s from the heat and the sun. So much sun. I’m plenty hydrated, but I think the sun did a number on me.


I had a blast at today’s homecoming. I was out the door before 6am, and my Marine wife and her son and I were down at North Island, in place, before 7:30. I predicted the sun would be out by 11am. It was. It was hot and bright, but not nearly as bright as the smiles on the faces of those who were welcoming home their loved ones.

When the ship rounded the corner, a huge cheer went up from the crowd. The deck of the carrier was lined with sailors and Marines and family who’d joined the crew for a Tiger Cruise. When the ship finally moored, the crowd got even louder. And it was fantastic!

We waited. We waited some more. Then we waited a bit longer. And we waited even more. Finally, my Marine family was reunited and it was a beautiful sight to see.

I have many photos to sort through and will happily do so tomorrow. For now, I’m going to baby my head until the aching stops. Then I’ll do this all over again on Wednesday for another family.


Julian Revisited

DaGoddess @ 04:00

Last of the Julian scenics.

Julian 2009

Julian 2009

Julian 2009