
Getting My Ass Kicked

DaGoddess @ 02:52

Fourteen and a half hours after PT, I’m still feelin’ it. I got my ass kicked. But, I pushed it. I didn’t even think of shying away from what had to be done.

I only have ten more sessions to reach the point where the insurance company decides I don’t need more therapy (even though I will). I feel like I’m just getting started — just reaching that point where I can jump off and really build the strength I need to be “normal” again.

The QME, my doc, and I all think I’d benefit from more, but that’s not how things work in comp land. Not even close. Just another ass kicking, albeit a different sort. I’ll have to figure out a way to continue what I’m learning on my own.

Funny how you kind of get used to that sort of thing even though you hate it. The ass kicking, that is. It’s weary-making, but it is what it is.

Speaking of weary, I’m off to bed. I’ve been staring at the same photos for several hours and can’t make heads nor tails of them to save my life.


  1. hope it works out for you!

    Comment by mlah — 2009/09/15 @ 03:06

  2. :hug: Today, I feel your pain. :hug:

    Comment by Pam — 2009/09/15 @ 07:35

  3. Shit, and here I kick people’s ass for free. I need to start charging for the service…

    Comment by Jan — 2009/09/15 @ 09:27

  4. Hang in there– you can do it with them and without them!

    Comment by Lloyd — 2009/09/15 @ 10:29

  5. Nil carborundum …

    Keep going – you’re almost there now, and you will win, you’re a fighter remember?

    Comment by The Gray Monk — 2009/09/15 @ 12:52

  6. I’m sorry you’re still struggling. Is this related to the back still? Or the arm? Keep on keepin’ on!

    Comment by Chris — 2009/09/16 @ 08:37

  7. Okay – you have 10 to go… bring pen and paper to each. Have the PT person write out an exercise routine each time you come in. It should be slightly different each time and be exercises you can do at home.

    At the end, you have 10 different routines. The killer of most exercise at home is boredom. Sameness.

    Then make a time you can stick to, put a reminder on the computer, do your workout, and have some little reward waiting for you when you’re done.

    At the very least this may help get you into a habit, once it’s a habit, it’s much easier to do.

    Here’s to you, getting better and better! :toast:

    Comment by Teresa — 2009/09/16 @ 21:27

  8. I have no problem doing the exercises at home or at PT. Although, today…heh…I was told “today we begin your off-table routine” and I said, “hell no!” I demanded my massage and ample warning before being denied anything I can’t do at home. As well, I’m the one pushing for the added weight each session. In the past, I was okay with gradually increasing weights, but since there are only so many sessions left, I’m balls to the wall rarin’ to go. I’m paying for it, but it’s not bad. Well, today was worse than Monday, but it didn’t help that I couldn’t take my pain pills right away after and come home and rest (had to go to the doc).

    I finally got my therabands today, too. So I’ve added a few more exercises to my home workouts. Tomorrow will be a true test of my ability to bounce back. If I can wake up and not feel like I’ve been run over by a Mack truck, I’ll be happy.

    Comment by DaGoddess — 2009/09/16 @ 21:42

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