
Away in a Manger

Da Goddess @ 17:58

Not that I come close to baby Jesus or even the Great and Holy Theotokos, but a manger has been found and I am thrilled.

It’s good to have the search finally over.

Now, I can focus on getting healthy again. We’ve all been sick here. This is round two. It’s kicked our asses. I’m at the blowing my nose and getting grayish-brownish-greenish goo or blood. The sore throat is abating. The body aches are barely existent. All signs that I’m going in the right direction. Small wins are still wins.

I was going to post a video for Away in a Manger, but I couldn’t find a version I liked. Instead, I bring you The Season’s Upon Us from the Dropkick Murphys.

May you be warm, cozy, and comfortable as Christmas Eve Eve progresses.

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