Chicken Soup for the Belly
It’s that time again. Chicken soup is my jam. Whenever I have the energy and the back cooperates, I cook. It’s now all I do when I have the energy, which isn’t often. I’ve just been extremely run down, coughing, night sweats, headaches, chest pain from all the coughing, and generally tired. I’m lucky to get a couple hours of sleep at a go. I’ve decided if this goes on much longer, it’s off to see a doctor because I just can’t seem to go more than a week or ten days before it starts all over again. What’s the deal with that???
Yum, I need to make chicken soup again! There’s nothing else I want when sick.
Praying you bounce back quickly!!
Comment by pam — 2022/03/21 @ 06:49
I’m a sap when it comes to soup.
Next up, not exactly soup but still tasty and soul-warming: chili verde, but with chicken instead of pork.
Comment by Da Goddess — 2022/04/02 @ 22:10
P.S. the dumplings were the best I’ve ever made!
Comment by Da Goddess — 2022/04/02 @ 22:52