Just NO
I’m suspicious of chin dimples. Not a cleft chin, but dimples in the chin. You know, the kind that look as if someone stuck a skewer deep into puffed up dough and you can’t see if there’s even an end to the depth of the dimple. Imagine that on your face. Or on anyone’s face. Imagine the bacteria and/or fungi living in the deep, dark recesses of that dimple. Imagine leaning in close to hear a whisper from someone with a simple full of soupy microbes and smelling the stench that comes with such a thing. Gross
, isn’t it? I mean, if your belly button can collect lint and sweat and germs of all sorts, so, too, can a chin pit. And it’s on the face. Where everyone can see it, where everyone can picture the bacterial and fungal sludge simmering together to create a superbly disgusting stew of utter grossness.
So, like, y’know, I’m suspicious of chin dimples.
P.S. this does not apply to Kurt Russell, possessor of glorious dimples and a cleft chin. See? They’re two entirely separate things.
I have a cleft chin… but ewww… no deep, dark, dank dimples…! Thank goodness! LOL
Comment by pam — 2020/06/12 @ 04:10
I’ve only seen a few, but they make me want to vom.
Comment by Da Goddess — 2020/06/12 @ 13:44
I had to get up and go look… and my little cleft is barely visible! Wonder where it went?
Comment by pam — 2020/06/12 @ 14:47
Probably the place where my dimples came from. Like a clearinghouse of sorts?
Comment by Da Goddess — 2020/06/14 @ 16:43
Comment by pam — 2020/06/15 @ 03:56