
You Bug Me

Da Goddess @ 00:25

You bug me. But in a good way. What I’m trying to say is this: go have a look at rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>this article on treehoppers. It and the bugs it discusses — absolutely fascinating.


  1. HOLY MOLY! I didn’t even know these things existed! And, I’m happy it’s not evening… don’t want nightmares. :D

    Comment by pam — 2019/12/11 @ 04:27

  2. It really wasn’t all that big. I mean, yes, it was bigger than some, but was also smaller than others.

    Basically, I’m saying it was a lovely bug and I wish I could’ve caught it so I could take more pics. But how fun was it to pretend it was attacking the house? I thought it was awesome.

    Comment by Da Goddess — 2019/12/12 @ 20:43

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