A New Friend
We have ourselves a new friend here in the neighborhood. While the Three Amigos (sadly) seem to be MIA of late, Dr Ginger Longhair has taken the opportunity to make his presence known.
He showed up at the top of the stairs yesterday to have a bath and say hello. Fletch let me know he was there. And for this being a strange cat, Fletch wasn’t at all upset. I think he just wanted to hang out and have cat talk with a friend.
Dr Ginger Longhair was fine until I opened the door and offered him some cat food. At that point, he decided I had gotten close enough and headed down the stairs.
Friends, he was stunning! I find myself longing to see him again. Every time I look out the window and don’t see him, a little piece of me dies. To his credit, Fletch hasn’t made a big deal of it. I think he’s hoping this gets him a playmate.
Now, how do we know this feline has a degree? Was he conjugating verbs and quoting Voltaire?
Please get a picture if he should return…!
Comment by pam — 2019/11/28 @ 04:37
He was carrying his PhD in his briefcase.
Comment by Da Goddess — 2019/12/07 @ 08:22