Home-ish Tour, Part I
I thought I’d finally start posting pics of my happy little home. The first one is my very tiny kitchen. What you see is the entirety of the kitchen. Except for the small fridge that you can see just the edge of on the right. Yep. My kitchen is really, truly that small. Storage is practically nil. I don’t care much, but I would’ve preferred a bit more counter space and more than just a single, small, awkwardly placed cupboard.

P.S. why is the picture not resized properly? Is it just me not seeing it the right way? Ugh. Doing a post from my phone isn’t the best way to go, but it’s where my pics reside at the moment. I totally need to upload them to the computer. I will. Someday. Someday. Maybe. (Btw, Someday, Someday Maybe by Lauren Graham is an excellent novel. Please read it. Please.)
Oh, though small, it’s perfectly perfect! I love it!
Comment by pam — 2019/05/21 @ 17:17
I’ll trade you! Honestly, I’m okay with until it’s time to make something requiring anything other than little to no prep. Moderate to extensive prep isn’t possible.
Comment by Da Goddess — 2019/05/23 @ 13:53