Resting Bitchface
Well it’s a bit less bitch and a lot more hot-melty face in my case. Either way, I sit here in this adequately appointed motel room and wait for the night’s viewing to begin as I have beat all my computer/tablet games enough to warrant a change of pace.
King Arthur’s sister gave him the tablet and I am the only one who really uses it for anything. It’s been a very fun toy to have on hand.
We came down to San Diego early to break bread with my lovely offspring and my mumsy. It was wonderful to be together. We’re calling it early Mother’s Day and happy to have the time available to us.
Now, though, we’re tired and it seems only fair to call it like it is and that is in a resting mood with a dash of semi-frowny face caused by the heat.
Faire may be a hot one this weekend. I’m there regardless, so I have the airconditioner cranked up whilst I recover.
King Arthur isn’t feeling well and is ready for early bed, too. By tomorrow, I hope we’re back to being “healthy-ish” enough for the days that lie ahead.
May you not melt or freeze or otherwise change much due to weather conditions this weekend!
P.S. If The royals give us our new royal baby, please text me! I’m totally counting the minutes until the wee bairn arrives.
Hope the rest of your time at faire is lovely!!
Comment by pam — 2015/05/03 @ 05:02
It was quite nice, indeed. It ended up cooling down enough on Saturday for me to feel a bit chilled in the evening. Sunday was perfection. And I got to watch Peasant Bowling, though it was not quite as lively as it had been the day before.
Comment by Da Goddess — 2015/05/05 @ 16:01