
Be Proud of Me!

Da Goddess @ 01:01

This is going to sound very silly to most of you, but it’s kind of a big deal for me. So, please, be proud of me for accomplishing something amazing: I got my 12 Days of Christmas posts ready! Woo hoo!

I know, I know. You’d think it’d be easy and all that, but it’s NOT. Totally not. And I got on top of it early. Which is kind of impressive considering I’ve been (w)racked with pain (and let’s not even get into the correct spelling of “w/racked”, okay?) since Thanksgiving as the drive down to my sister’s was long and nothing but torture (and sadness because LD was going home to his dad’s). Sitting here on the computer is the last thing I’ve thought of doing lately. Getting these posts done? Major. MAJOR.

I was going to do all 25 days, but I figured I could cram all that goodness into just 12 days. Yeah, yeah. There’ll be days with double posts because I’ll find something I have to share. You won’t mind though, will you? That’s good. I knew you wouldn’t.

So let’s all celebrate my achievement and do a Dance of Joy!


  1. I am VERY proud of you!! You have done exceeding well and I will enjoy the posts very, very much!

    Comment by pam — 2014/12/05 @ 03:44

  2. Gotta wait until next Sunday though!

    Now I have to decide if I’m going to post about some of my crazy dreams. They’ve been wild lately. Meds, odd sleep patterns, stress, etc. have been messing with my brain. Fun times.

    Comment by Da Goddess — 2014/12/05 @ 23:42

  3. Hey, it’s all good blog fodder.

    Funny thing is, my dreams have been crazy too. But I don’t really remember them after I wake…

    Comment by pam — 2014/12/10 @ 15:11

  4. Some of the dreams are so vivid I can’t help but remember them. Others leave little fragments that are barely there and haunt me all day long. I’m sure Jung and Freud had plenty to say about that!

    Comment by Da Goddess — 2014/12/11 @ 01:59

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