Mumblin’ (the) Word, Hummin’ (the) Tune
After a full week of feeling like shit that started with sinus crud, moved into glandular crap, and consistently headachey, I’m finally starting to feel a little better. Still fatigued. Still headachey, still congested, and still a bit enlarged in the glands, but definitely moving in a more healthful direction. Lots of sleep this week. Lots of pain that refused to go away. Lots of watching movies I’d likely never watch otherwise. Lots of tv shows to catch up on. Lots of trying out of new shows (the best thus far are Jennifer Falls on TVLand and Gang Related on Foxx. Also, really love Murder in the First on TNT. We’ve also been watching Penny Dreadful on, I think, Showtime. It’s weird, but good. Sadly, we only have one more episode of the season for Game of Thrones, which I’ve come to love beyond all reason. About a month ago, we watched from the very first episode of the series through to the current season and I am so very much into the stories and the characters. I may even need to buy the books.
Gotta have something to do while my voice recovers, right? And you know me, I’ll take books any day.
Also, I’ve spent the past couple days watching a hummingbird nest. YES! Baby hummingbirds! Mama was there one day feeding the two little ones and now I check on them at least three times a day, just to see how they’re doing. I get my camera and my 70-300mm lens out, zoom in as far as I can and take photos. I’ll post some later. It’s really amazing to see baby hummers! They’re adorable. I knew there were somewhere in the vicinity when I had a mama come after me whie I was cleaning the litterbox. I just couldn’t find the nest. Probably because it wasn’t where I expected it to be. But I know where it is now. And I study them throughout the day (between naps, cups of steaming hot tea or soup). I can’t wait to see them finally emerge and test their little wings. I wish I had video mode on my camera for that!
Now, it’s time to go back to sleeping. Gotta heal up. Life won’t wait for me. Gotta get back to my Rear Window activities asap.
I have a mama hummer that comes for my fountain and my fuchsia, but I don’t know where her nest is.
Glad you’re feeling better!
Comment by Jan — 2014/06/13 @ 06:27
I had assumed the nest was in the plumeria tree because that’s where mama hummer got all het up a couple weeks ago, but no. Nope, it was so close though. And really, I was surprised when I discovered it. You’ll see when I get the photos posted.
Comment by Da Goddess — 2014/06/13 @ 08:37
Baby hummingbirds!! Can’t wait to see the pictures!
Glad to hear you’re feeling better!
Never seen GoT…
Comment by pam — 2014/06/16 @ 04:00
GoT is AWESOME! I had only seen an episode here or there in the past and finally watched all three prior seasons just before season four began. Now? OMG! It’s too good! I can’t wait until the next season starts. The finale was EPIC!
As for feeling better…it’s by degrees. Or should I say millimeters. It’s a fraction to one side that feels better. Then it’s a fraction the other direction. Yes, I have my voice back, but that’s about it. And the mumpy feeling is largely gone. I just wish everything would finally cure itself. Blech.
Comment by Da Goddess — 2014/06/17 @ 14:38
p.s. the neighbor lady yelled at me the other day when I went out by the nest to take a photo. I didn’t touch anything. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. All I did was walk near the damn strut to take a photo and she told me I was traumatizing the birds. Uh, I don’t think so. They never even knew I was there. They didn’t care.
The birds are getting bigger, but not big enough to fly yet. That’s what I’m waiting for! I want to see them fly!
Comment by Da Goddess — 2014/06/17 @ 14:41