Reunited & It Feels So Good
My cellphone is home! Woo hoo!
The owners of the club called last night to let King Arthur know my phone was found. Right where I thought it would be.
I am so relieved! Seriously, every single phone number I needed is in there. My doctor appointments are on the calendar. Everything. EV. RY. THING. (Ditch the middle E, of course.)
Of course, after all this, I’m going to make a backup list of all my phone numbers, all my appointments, all the notes I make.
I could easily go a week without my phone were I on vacation, but have it disappear unexpectedly? Oh HELL NO! It’s like taking away half my brain. And, mind you: this is the very most basic cellphone made. No camera. No internet. Nothing beyond calling, texting, and simple additions like a calculator, calendar, and a note function. Being without it left me feeling incomplete. I’m thinking I need to be without it more often or get counseling or something.
So, yeah. Here I am: reunited with my phone and it feels soooo good.
YAY! That’s like a minor miracle!!
Comment by pam — 2014/06/09 @ 05:10
I know, huh?! The bar owner said he found it hanging out on a speaker…not at the rail where I was sitting. Guess someone picked it up and set it there. No matter. I’m just glad I have it back!
Comment by Da Goddess — 2014/06/09 @ 13:53