For some reason, I clicked on link on someone’s Facebook page and took my time looking through all the photos…crying throughout. Sheesh. You’d think I was PMSing or something. Maybe I’m just feeling a little sad after realizing I couldn’t wish the Fat Guy a happy birthday and then realized how lucky I’d been to even know him. Maybe it’s just a Tuesday thing. Maybe I’m feeling nearly 48 all of a sudden. Maybe I’m just a big ol’ bundle of tears just waiting to be shed at the drop of a hat. Maybe it’s some combination of all of the above (except for PMS since I don’t have hormone fluctuations any longer). Maybe I should just spend less time clicking on stuff I know will set me off.
Maybe it’s good to feel human. Yeah, that’s the one.
Love these! It helps to see that there are still good people out there!
Tuesdays are notoriously weird… and so are birthdays… and suddenly remembering someone is gone… so, yeah. That’s the triple crown of cry.
Comment by pam — 2014/05/14 @ 03:47
The triple crown of cry! You’re so awesome, Pam, that’s exactly it!
Comment by Da Goddess — 2014/05/14 @ 19:36