The Long Weekend, Part II
Well, we’re in the last moments of prep for the second weekend of faire. I just finished folding the last of the clothes. I’ll pack in 5 minutes in the morning. And then we’ll head down to SD for the weekend. It’ll be hotter than last weekend, which I don’t like. But otherwise, we’ll be back amongst friends and making new friends along the way.
Have a friend coming over to feed the cats on Saturday. We’d fed them their wet food early last Friday, left lots of dry food and water for the entire weekend, and then fed them again once we were home Sunday evening. While that part went okay, the stress on Celia was obvious: she lost the fur on her ears. Fletch gave me the cold shoulder when we walked in, but got over it quickly enough. In order to avoid more hair loss, our friend will be here Saturday to feed them the wet food and play with them a bit. Fingers crossed!
In the future, we’ll either have to board them while we’re gone, take them with us, or have someone come spend the entire time with them while we’re not home.
Off to bed now to get the rest I need before craziness sets in.
Have fun!!!!!
Comment by pam — 2014/05/02 @ 05:11
We did. It was great. Hotter than hell, but fun. Today is a recovery day and then we get back to chores and such.
Comment by Da Goddess — 2014/05/05 @ 08:43