

Da Goddess @ 00:38

Fletch survived his teeth cleaning yesterday. He was much better behaved after sedation, got through it all with flying colors, and lost a tooth in the process. As they were cleaning one of the teeth, it was so loose it just came out.

While he was gone, Celia the Diva was rather cuddly and wanted lots of attention. She didn’t seem to know what to do with herself all alone. She curled up in his spot on the couch and slept there for a while. The night before, I think she knew something was up because she spent a good ten minutes grooming Fletch…AND HE LET HER!

Once Fletch was home, the cats did their little “hi, nice to see ya” walk around one another and then he went into full play mode. He attacked my slipper, flipping it up and around, scampering everywhere with it. He grabbed whatever he could and played and played, and Celia actually reached out a paw to him as if to say, “remember me? I might like a little fun.” Later, he was wandering about and she was following him. She attempted to engage him in…something. Play? Terrorizing him? I couldn’t say. But it was definitely gentler than her normal approach. Is it too much to hope that they’ll begin playing together soon?

The boy is now zonked out on his tree, Celia up on the back of my chair. One of her favorite places. When I crawl into bed, I’m fairly sure she’ll follow as she’s been doing a great deal lately. (Shhh, don’t tell her I’m telling you this, but she actually climbed up on top of King Arthur the other night!)

Oh! And Fletch’s liver function test was down again. Celia’s, I’m sure, is still over-elevated, but I’m hoping she’s down a bit, too.

In other news on the cat front, he took his antibiotics like a total champ.

Good kitty!


  1. Glad he came through it okay!!

    Comment by pam — 2014/04/12 @ 06:37

  2. Me, too! I couldn’t handle another round of bad news.

    We still have to follow up on Celia. Liver scan, etc. We’re kind of taking a wait and see approach. Giving her the Adenosyl and encouraging eating. With any luck, the levels were an abberation and have come down enough that we can avoid the pricey scan and subsequent treatment.

    Comment by Da Goddess — 2014/04/12 @ 18:02

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