
New Life

Da Goddess @ 14:21

King Arthur’s daughter came through labor and delivery like a champ. She pushed for almost two hours and had an exquisite little girl.

When we arrived at the hospital, Lady M (King’s daughter) was still pushing. We sat in the waiting room with the in-laws and with King Arthur’s ex-wife, excitedly chattering about the baby and life in general. Then, there was a photo sent to someone’s phone: a sweet baby on the warming table. Excitement grew. We waited, impatiently, for permission to join the new family. After a bit, we heard Lord R’s voice from the door, asking us if we wanted to see the baby. Quicker than you could possibly imagine for a group of six, we were up and through the door, heading down the hall to the room. And there they were: mother and child. Both were beautiful beyond belief.

Yes, I took photos. No, I haven’t uploaded them yet. The new computer hasn’t been loaded with editing software just yet (seriously? I can’t get something installed…the simplest of things!), but when I do, I’ll post.

After about 50 photos and thousands of coos and smiles, we were on our way home. King Arthur was beaming with pride. I was overcome with incredible warmth and joy. Lady M and Lord R have proven to be two of the most amazing people I’ve met. A testament to great parenting and lots of love. I truly enjoy being in their company. They’ll be fantastic parents and their daughter will grow to be as smart and strong and loving as they are.

What an amazing birthday gift for King Arthur. New life. New love. And new promise for the future.


  1. Congratulations to all! There’s nothing like a new baby in the family!! :D

    Comment by pam — 2013/10/11 @ 13:33

  2. Congratulations on the new baby!

    Comment by Tina — 2013/10/12 @ 20:00

  3. babies are true blessings

    Comment by Da Goddess — 2013/10/15 @ 02:36

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