When did I get so old that I get worn out with the least little exertion?
Wednesday: tore down a tree with LD.
Thursday: slugged about most of the day after cleaning.
Friday: cleaned more. Chilled.
Saturday: concert. Shot a lot. Good times.
Sunday: Easter dinner at sister’s. Goofed off with the kids.
Monday: interview. Drive home was hell. I wanted to sleep the entire way. Came home, ate, and slept. Went to the bathroom, got water, went back to sleep. Woke up, checked email, wrote this post. 20:30 and I want to go to bed.
At this rate, I may actually get to laundry by Friday.
Filed under: Life ~ Comments (3)
I do that sometimes. Saturday was my ‘day off’ and I did absolutely nothing just to catch up… felt dang good.
Comment by pam — 2013/04/02 @ 06:35
You packed a lot into a short amount of time.
Comment by Scott (Retired Navy CPO) — 2013/04/03 @ 14:31
I’m more and more like this as the weather warms and I start doing stuff, start interacting with nature, start REacting to nature. Plus, I’m old now.
I’d just like a life that allows several naps a day, household staff, chef, and a personal masseur.
Comment by Da Goddess — 2013/04/06 @ 23:36