Monday Memories: Mojo Part III
I had originally typed “Momday Memories”, which is probably the most accurate title I could give this post.
Here’s my darling girl at about age 2. We were out on the bay with the whole family for a day of sailing. LD wasn’t yet a glimmer in my eye, but Mojo was absolutely the apple…of…my…eye…Yikes! Talk about stretching that one out, eh?
So, here she is, my beautiful baby. I love this photo!

Mojo could have given the Gerber baby a run for his money!! What a precious girl!
Comment by Pam — 2013/04/15 @ 05:44
Hehee! She still can. Still has that sweet little mouth and those warm, sparkling eyes.
Comment by Da Goddess — 2013/04/15 @ 16:29