Monday Memories: LD Part I
Time for a quick look at Little Dude back in the day.
One of the best daycare providers on earth was our dear Shannon, or Shanny, as the kids called her. She knew all the fun things happening around town and always made sure her daycare kids got to partake in whatever was going on. Case in point: pony rides and photos at McDonald’s (of all places!).

Pony don’t look happy!
Comment by Jan — 2013/04/08 @ 09:10
Awwawwawwww… just started saying aww and couldn’t stop! How cute!
Jan- ponies never look happy. Because they aren’t.
Comment by pam — 2013/04/08 @ 09:51
Pony ain’t happy. But he also ain’t sad. I think he’s just tired and bored.
And I’ll raise you’re awwawwawwww to omgomgomgomgomgomg
Comment by Da Goddess — 2013/04/09 @ 07:17