
Happy New Year!

Da Goddess @ 14:43

Just a few days late, but sincere nonetheless.

I hope your 2013 has started out wonderfully.

I ended 2012 with a lovely dinner with Mrs Mikey, Mini Mikey, and LD. We shared some great memories of Mad Mikey, ate a fantastic dinner, and even managed to remain upbeat and giggly after the car died by the side of the very dark mountain road (in the pouring down rain). Yep. Happened again. This time it was merely a thingamabob that held a belt.

New Year’s Eve itself was spent down at the Marriott in the Gaslamp Quarter. I’d won tickets via a local radio station. I took a friend of mine from high school. Free food, free drink, horrible music played by half-assed DJs, but the company was absolutely great.

I even managed to get home by 01:15.

I’m totally rock ‘n’ roll.

And what did you do?


  1. 1:15! You are rock and roll!
    I went to bed at 1:00 after editing a newborn session. I am almost as exciting as you : )

    Comment by Life with Kaishon — 2013/01/03 @ 15:20

  2. I made lasagna for New Years Eve and it all disappeared pretty quickly, partly due to having nephew JJ over unexpectedly. Not that we minded feeding him, but it was so good I wish I made more so we’d have leftovers. After dinner we watched Madea Goes to Jail and Madea’s Family Reunion before ringing in the New Year. Slept til 10 the next morning, made a huge stack of pancakes, and watched some more movies before taking JJ home. Then resumed blogging.

    Comment by diamond dave — 2013/01/03 @ 17:27

  3. Had to work at 7am…Was in bed by 10 pm..I know, I lead a life that is just full of excitment!!

    Comment by Karen — 2013/01/03 @ 19:34

  4. Ate too much dinner and too much birthday cake. We watched “Oliver’s Travels” and took down the tree and decorations. Stayed up just long enough to watch the Space Needle fireworks, was in bed before 0030. Boring as hell!

    Comment by Jan — 2013/01/04 @ 13:34

  5. I’m so happy to have all of you in my life! Makes 2013 look rosy as can be!

    Comment by Da Goddess — 2013/01/08 @ 19:38

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