How Do You Spell Relief?
I spell it h.y.d.r.o.c.o.d.o.n.e.
And “cymbalta”. And “ambien”.
It’s been almost two freakin’ months without meds. Can you guess who’s already taken her meds?
Filed under: Health ~ Comments (5)
Friends are like bras; a good one never lets you down
I spell it h.y.d.r.o.c.o.d.o.n.e.
And “cymbalta”. And “ambien”.
It’s been almost two freakin’ months without meds. Can you guess who’s already taken her meds?
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Deep breath…exhale…ahhhhhhhhhh
Comment by Stu — 2012/12/28 @ 05:58
I could write poetry about floating on Vicodin. Which is why I take it ONLY when prescribed and I need it (like when I wrenched my back two years ago), and I savor the very last pill in the bottle. A little less self control and I could easily become an addict, scamming and begging doctors for the stuff, so I’m very careful when it’s in the house.
Comment by diamond dave — 2012/12/28 @ 07:18
Good news, but take care.
Comment by The Gray Monk — 2012/12/28 @ 10:15
Wonderful and thank God it’s about damn time!
Comment by pamibe — 2012/12/28 @ 12:11
Always careful. That’s why I’m only on these three and only take them at night (except for severe breakthrough pain).
It’s going to be at least a week before I’m back on track. Do I feel a bit better? Yes. It’s just that when you’ve been off meds for so long, everything tenses up and does bad things to parts of you that weren’t bent/broken/damaged. Once you take the pain meds, things start to relax and you hurt in a different way.
Comment by Da Goddess — 2012/12/28 @ 18:53