Weird and Wild and OMG
I’ve been busy trying to recover from a bad reaction to the dressing the doc used after my trigger point injections last week. I’d had the dressing before and had a little rash as well as some GI bleeding, but didn’t think anything of it. This time, however, they gave me a second dressing to apply after 24 hours and within an hour of the second application, I was in big trouble all the way around. I was downing Benadryl, hitting the inhaler, almost passed out in the shower, and had my finger poised over the “9” on speed dial. It wasn’t pretty. It’s taken me all the way until today to feel somewhat normal.
Good times.
This weekend’s been pretty much full of me recovering from that big fun.
The good news is that my back is feeling pretty good. And I spent part of my doctor’s visit weeping with joy.
Just when I thought I was feeling better after the reaction, it was like a second wave of the medication from the dressing surged through me. WTF? Hit the inhaler and Benadryl again and recovered faster than I had two days before. But the steroids from the inhaler knocked me for a loop. I went from not being able to breathe to being wired and not being able to sleep. And then it was crash city. It’s kind of been a wild ride.
Still, all of that seems worth it when it I get up and move around. The back is good. I mean, I don’t remember the last time I felt this good. It’s incredible! Yes, I still need to take my Vicodin and Ambien at night, but that’s all part of the pain management program. I’m kinda diggin’ the feeling.
And now, the OMG! moment: WPPI is coming up. Full registration is basically $400. I can’t afford it. I registered just for the trade show portion and was happy with that. But then one of the presenters posted on FB that he had some full registrations to give away. All you had to do was leave a comment as to why you wanted to win…so I did…and…I FREAKIN’ WON! Included are all these amazing classes and opportunities to learn great photography techniques, business practices, and…my God, there’s just no end to what’s possible there! (You may remember that last year I went to the opening reception and accidentally ate pasta with lobster and had an allergic reaction…well, I’m not eating anything I don’t take in there myself this time! I’ve had my fill of Benadryl and albuterol for the year, thankyouverymuch.) I’m still kind of in shock over this. For once, the universe and I are in sync and you can bet your sweet bippy I’ve been knockin’ wood since I found out I won.
I know I still have other stories I need to blog, but in due time, my dears. In due time.
YES!!! I told the universe specifically that you were to win that. I am so damned glad it listened! :toast:
Comment by inkgrrl — 2011/02/14 @ 23:14
Well done on the WPPI, I think you definitely deserve the break after your allergic reactions there. Can we now look forward to even more impressive photographs?
Comment by The Gray Monk — 2011/02/15 @ 03:19
That rocks! Please be careful with the benedryl/albuterol mix. They can react with one another and cause the breathing to get worse not better. I happen to know first hand on that one.
Comment by vwbug — 2011/02/15 @ 03:34
I’m SO glad you’re feeling better and YAY that you won! That’s fantastic!!
:nana: :yay: :clap: :thumbs:
Comment by pam — 2011/02/15 @ 05:26
:nana: :yay: :may: :yay: :nana:
Comment by patti — 2011/02/16 @ 08:08
Here’s hoping that, yes, I learn something major along the way
Comment by DaGoddess — 2011/02/16 @ 21:38
So glad to hear the good news about your back! And the registration prize! :toast:
Comment by Mrs. Who — 2011/02/18 @ 21:39